
Songtext No attention Sybyr


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No attention

No attention
Ya feel me?
No attention
Straight to detention
Motherfuckin' yeah

Yeah they talking pressure
But they look like they wear Skechers
Shit you just can't measure
I highkey put shit together
I'm still banging beats no effort
Dressing like a wine mom
I was sober like whatever
The marketing was clever
Time to get to bouncing
Rollin snowballs off the mountain
I was giving no attention
To the drama y'all can drown in
Shit is like a fountainLEDs, changing colors
Funny how y'all buying fits
With the money from ya "brothers"

I heard niggas off the H
Now he tweakin' n don't know better
Are you serious?
You think that I'm delirious?
All these stories, it don't add up
Highly curious
On second thought we don't talk no more
You not onto shit
Clearly on some other shit
Yeah I get the opps but
You actin' like a bot
Someone need to go upside ya head
N' make you Diddy Bop
You just got expunged
Fuck you doing with them rocks?
Playing with my time accelerate in fucking black flame
I don't have the patience to be fucking with the twitter games
You not holding me back
Fast forwarding without you lames
I already see the envy
I already see the change
All these little checks
They ain't gonna cut it
We either talking how we comin' up
If not then shut it
Super tired of the runaround
Cause I don't live in loops
Still they call me underground
N I hate it like a knot
Cut it loose

Yeah they talking pressure
But they look like they wear Skechers
Shit you just can't measure
I highkey put shit together
I'm still banging beats no effort
Dressin' like a wine mom
I was sober like whatever
The marketing was clever
Time to get to bouncing
Rollin snowballs off the mountain
I was giving no attention
To the drama y'all can drown in
Shit is like a fountain
LEDs, changing colors
Funny how y'all buying fits
With the money from ya brothers

Ain't it funny how the ones who bring you down never end without a sound
Fuck it I just let 'em drown
Playin' with my life means you fuck with my emotions
I was chewin' on some oxy in LA it had me floating
But like only for a week
I was tired of feeling weak
My coke diet fuck a zero I'm a hero to the beast
Head fulla fuckin' lights, barely have somewhere to rest
Fuck bitches they can never be trusted they got me stressin'
Steady flexin' [?]
Shoulda known by like eleven that my voice has been a weapon
I will use it to destroy anyone who fuck with my brethren
I don't fuck with fake shit
Maybe bootleg shit
We some effort golden niggas
Tryna cater to your fit
Always anti shit
You ain't anti bitch
Anti, D_U
Got to beddy-bye bitch

Yeah they talking pressure
But they look like they wear Skechers
Shit you just can't measure
I highkey put shit together
I'm still banging beats no effort
Dressing like a wine mom
I was sober like whatever
The marketing was clever
Time to get to bouncing
Rollin snowballs off the mountain
I was giving no attention
To the drama y'all can drown in
Shit is like a fountain
LEDs, changing colors
Funny how y'all buying fits
With the money from ya brothers

One? Two? Three?
Anti World, Anti World, Anti World, Anti World, Anti World (What), Anti World (What), Anti World (What), Anti World (What-)

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