Modern Talking

Songtext No. 1 hit medley Modern Talking


No. 1 hit medley

Deep in my heart - there's a fire - a burning heart
Deep in my heart - there's desire - for a start
I'm dying in emotion
It's my world in fantasy
I'm living in my, living in my dreams

You're my heart, you're my soul
I keep it shining everywhere I go
You're my heart, you're my soul
I'll be holding you forever
Stay with you together

You're my heart, you're my soul
Yeah, a feeling that our love will grow
You're my heart, you're my soul
That's the only thing I really know

You packed your things in a carpetbag
Left and never looking back
Rings on your fingers, paint on your toes
Music wherever you go
You don't fit in a smalltown world
But I feel you're the girl for me
Rings on your fingers, paint on your toes
You're leaving town where nobody knows

You can win if you want
If you want it, you will win
On your way you will see that life is more than fantasy
Take my hand, follow me
Oh, you've got a brand new friend for your life

You can win if you want
If you want it you will win
Oh, come on, take a chance
For a brand new wild romance
Take my hand for the night
And your feelings will be right
Hold me ti-i-i-i-ight

Oh, I cannot explain
Every time it's the same
Oh, I feel that it's real
Take my heart
I've been lonely too long
Oh, I can't be so strong
Take the chance for romance, take my heart
I need you so
There's no time I'll ever go

Cheri, cheri lady
Going through a motion
Love is where you find it
Listen to your heart
Cheri, cheri lady
Living in devotion
It's always like the first time
Let me take a part

Cheri, cheri lady
Like there's no tomorrow
Take my heart - don't lose it
Listen to your heart
Cheri, cheri lady
To know you is to love you
If you call me, baby, I'll be always yours

Deep love is a burning fire
Stay, 'cause then the flames grow higher
Babe, don't let him steal your heart
It's easy, easy
Girl, this game can't last forever
Why, we cannot live together?
Try, don't let him take your love from me

You're no good, can't you see
Brother Louie, Louie, Louie
I'm in love - set you free
Oh, she's only looking to me
Only love breaks her heart
Brother Louie, Louie, Louie
Only love's paradise
Oh, she's only looking to me

Brother Louie, Louie, Louie
Oh, she's only looking to me
Oh, let it Louie
She is undercover
Brother Louie, Louie, Louie
Oh, doing what he's doing
So, leave it Louie
'Cause I'm her lover

Lady, I know it was hard
But it's much harder to ignore
There's a chance and I'll promise
I won't hurt you anymore
Hollywood nights we're romancin'
You can trust me anytime
Somewhere, oh, babe, there is someone
Oh, you're dancing in my mind

Ohoho, little queenie
I'm your fool
Come on, teach me the rules
And I will send a S.O.S. for love
Ohoho, little queenie,
I'm your fool
You need love, like I do
And I will send a S.O.S. for love

Atlantis is calling, S.O.S. for love
Atlantis is calling, from the stars above
Atlantis is calling, S.O.S. for love
Atlantis is calling, it's too hot to stop

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Modern Talking was a German dance pop duo consisting of Thomas Anders and Dieter Bohlen. Genre-wise they were often classified under Europop. They have been referred to as Germany's most successful pop duo and have had a number of hit singles reaching the top-5 in many countries. Some of their most popular and widely known singles are "You're My Heart, You're My Soul", "You Can Win If You Want", "Cheri Cheri Lady", "Brother Louie", "Atlantis Is Calling (S.O.S. for Love)" and "Geronimo's Cadillac".

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