Aesop Rock

Songtext Night train promo Aesop Rock


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Night train promo

I traded my title as bent pedestrian for passenger status, to coast muted.
Finding the night train mildly therapeutic.
Rugged hacker flashing mood full of swings,
Beneath this puppet master pulling my strings,
Leaking smoke rings singing...
(God, despite what's measured is honestly magnificent)
Syndicate sold to children, building homes for my omnipotent platoons.
Nah I don't think the blueprints drafted tilted in the tombs,
Tampering hampered scampered well beyond the dooms.
We bloomed the matter down to those most beautifully discrete,
Applying yesterdays models, stand obsolete amongst colossals (amongst
Comply not to enforce us, aborted claiming they came off.
Sort of stabbed them with the capital 'A' that sets my name off.

Sick of it all, Sick of the stall,
Sick of the thick, brick in the wall sob stories,
the falls, the tragic hate calls.
Shaking like magic eight balls, pausing to watch the vapors crawl.
My clique heeds lessons I'll be noted from kids sisters paper dolls.
We lining up along against these great walls,
Circling analytical,
Rhetorical inquiries
yet x is not applicable, kid.
Your flash motto we as orphans repeated,
You talking concrete examples with glass bottoms cause defeated kid,
I'm heated.

Its flight of the intruder and we all fall down.
Conditions of never blends science with religion
Cut my character cleansed in esoteric opulence,
But finding no intrinsic merit in your sense.
Well isn't that bewildering?
Drunken distortion and spit the filter in.
Mic sweltering measures like melting my rings together and you never
Seen I, Aesop Rock, flop for the love of eighty-nine point nine,
I'm here to ride upon the night train...

(yeah wkcr 89.9 . . . here for the night train . . . whats up to my man
apex, kinetic, dj ely, baz, my man dub el on productions, the mighty Jer, my
man patrick, blockhead, mr roper, omega one, my man hates one, percy p
andre . . . stay up . .. its like that . . . its big aesop rock signing off)

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