Social Distortion

Songtext Nickels and dimes Social Distortion


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Nickels and dimes

Nickels and Dimes Lyrics
Artist(Band):Social Distortion
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I’m a Cadillac tramp at the end of his road
A swap meet rat who’s sittin’ on gold yeah baby
I’m a guitar gangster without a tune
I’m the baseball bat that’s waiting to swing
Your loan shark friend with the broker knees yeah baby
I’m a penthouse pauper with nothing to do

Yeah, yeah, yeah… I’m chasing nickels and dimes
The rest of the world passes me by
Nah, nah, nah… I’m just wasting my time
I’m just sitting here and wondering why

I’m the high rollin’ creep that’s in to deep
With the slicked back hair and the silver teeth yeah baby
I’m a vagabond king with a stolen crown
I’m a jailhouse poet, a genius, a fool
I’m the pimp who’s lost his cool yeah baby
I’ve got first class taste in a second class town

Yeah, yeah, yeah… I’m chasing nickels and dimes
While the rest of the world passes me by
Nah, nah, nah… I’m just wasting my time
I’m just sitting here and wondering why yea

I’m a loaded gun pointed at the mirror
A drugstore cowboy whose end is near yeah baby
I’m a big time schemer with broken down dreams
I’m a derelict rebel without a cause
I ain’t the cat with the sharpest claws no baby
Cause sometimes life just ain’t what it seems
Yeah, yeah, yeah… I’m chasing nickels and dimes
While the rest of the world passes me by
Nah, nah, nah… I’m just wasting my time
I’m just sitting here and wondering why

I’m just sitting here and wondering why
And just like you I’m wondering why

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Social Distortion is a resilient and influential punk band which has weathered the wavering fortunes of punk, drug addiction, death and a steady stream of line-up changes. The only remaining member from the original line-up is Mike Ness, whose own path has not been easy, as his overwhelming drug habit resulted in the band being disbanded for a while in the mid 80s.

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