Snoop Dogg

Songtext Neva have 2 worry Snoop Dogg


Neva have 2 worry

[Snoop Dogg]
1992, "Deep Cover" hit the world and fell in love with Snoop
"Doggystyle" came out, it's like I dropped a bomb
One of the greatest hip-hop records of all time
I was young gettin' money, livin' wild and free
Got on and I brought the whole Pound with me
Didn't matter who's around, I kept it way too G
Niggaz knew it was Eastside L.B.C.
Gangsta shit, that's what a motherfuckin' gangsta get
The one up above didn't like my pace
I was movin' too fast and I caught that case
I fought that case, wonder where the West would be if I'da lost that case
I slow mine down, swimmin' with the sharks and I almost drowned

I done made some mistakes along the way
To become the G I am today
Who had ever thought I'd make this far?
Out the hood to be a big star
And I ain't goin' nowhere
Homie I ain't never comin' down
I'm too high in the clouds
To ever have to worry 'bout that

[Snoop Dogg]
I'm finally out
And the critics hated on me 'cause I went to the South
Said I wasn't gon' shine, had me left for dead
Switched sides, now my old boss want me dead
Dropped the first of the three and you said it was weak
"No Limit Top Dogg", the return of the beast
So from that point on I know what to do
Don't worry 'bout them just do what you do
"Last Meal" was the one that took me off the leash
That's the last time a nigga gon' eat off of me
Stack plaque after plaque, gain millions sold
I'm the Bo$$ of this bitch and I ain't never went Gold, nigga

I done made some mistakes along the way
To become the G I am today
Who had ever thought I'd make this far?
Out the hood to be a big star
And I ain't goin' nowhere
Homie I ain't never comin' down
I'm too high in the clouds
To ever have to worry 'bout that

[Snoop Dogg]
Bo$$ of the City, Bo$$ of the Coast
Some other niggaz tried but none of 'em come close
They stuck lookin' silly, but nothin' like a loc
The Bigg Bow Wow, I kill it with one stroke
(Wow!) That's what it's about
They tryin' to tell a nigga what could come out his mouth
Motherfucker I'm a G, but first I'm a man
Freedom of Speech, bitch is a word you can't ban
So they blamin' me, sayin' this my talk
to some women as hoes, like it's my fault
Damn they lost, man they just don't know
That a bitch is a bitch, and a hoe is a hoe
Let them heaters cock and let them leaders talk
I'm gon' be smokin' dank, livin' like a boss
Let them heaters cock and let them leaders talk
I'ma be smokin' my dank, livin' like a boss, nigga

I done made some mistakes along the way
To become the G I am today
Who had ever thought I'd make this far?
Out the hood to be a big star
And I ain't goin' nowhere
Homie I ain't never comin' down
I'm too high in the clouds
To ever have to worry 'bout that

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