Snoop Dogg

Songtext Murder music Snoop Dogg


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Murder music

What it do, Loc? Yeah (Yeah)
We up in this motherfucker
On some murder murder, kill kill shit (Uh)
Yeah, (The Butcher comin', nigga)
Some real hip-hop shit

Yo, murder music just for this type of shit that could ban us
'Cause this what they gon' play when they wipe they prints off they hammers
I'm really like that, I ain't just write this shit for the camera
I did in my city what Michael Vick did in Atlanta (Yeah)
Cash saved for insurance, them bad days was a force (Nah)
Still hood, roach clips and the ashtrays in my foreign (Haha)
In L.A., R&B bitch drunk with her hands around me
The night Swizz introduced me to Nas at a Grammy party (Uh-huh)
When my strip introduc?d me to hard, I had grams around me (No)
A star player n?ver asks for the ball, they just playin' around me
Niggas heard I took a shot, they was askin' if I was good
I looked the shooter right in his eyes when that trigger got pulled

Murder music, mur-murder music
Murder music, murder music (Yeah)
Yeah, murder music
Murder music, mur-murder music (Ha-ha)

Yeah, some come through the water (Uh-huh)
Some come through the border (Uh)
Some of them get caught, but that's dependin' on the porter (Yup)
Old niggas hidin', young niggas slidin' (Ughn)
I'm bein' a man just protectin' and providin'
My only concern is if it cooked right (That's it)
My chain yellow, way the diamonds set up, it make it look white (Ooh)
Kill you for nothin' 'cause they petty (Uh)
Cuttin' the dog food with the fetti (Yup)
They young but they ready (They ready)
No crowd, I get my applause off the beat
I'm a boss so I make sure all of us eat (All of us)
Say, a couple funerals'll bring a war to a cease (Woo)
And remember, it ain't no reward for the streets
This is not normal (Nah) dickey suit is how we dress formal (Yeah)
The way I'm ridin' these tracks like a porno (Woo)
Aight then, what's up then? (What's up?) I'm bustin'
Every control substance I touched it, I know it's disgustin' (Agh)
I'm just stackin', call me El Guapo (Uh-huh)
And I bet you never had a brick from El Chapo (Never)
Tuesday, I just play the crib and make tacos (Woo)
A lot of niggas frontin' like they nice, but they not though
Y'all spoke that up, now soak that up (Soak that up)
They done pulled my coat, nigga, the GOAT got up, what's up?

Murder music, mur-murder music
Murder music, murder music
Yeah, murder music
Murder music, mur-murder music
Yeah, murder music
Murder music, mur-murder music
Yeah, murder music
Murder music, (Yo) mur-murder music

I only got time to murder shit
I bang 'em while deafen in both ears (Uh-huh)
When I'm makin' niggas black
And rip couches and throw chairs (Uh-huh)
At times I be unleashin' the wrath that most fear (Uh-huh)
I don't discriminate, I even body close peers
See I'm suggestin' most you niggas should get to steppin' to the rear (Uh-huh)
And fuck what most you niggas'll talk, I don't care (Uh-uh)
If you don't rep it right, you shouldn't come around here (Oh no)
Adjust one level up, make sure a nigga sound clear
They wanna stop, and wanna stare (They do)
They hate that I'm the best and it's greatness in the flesh and it's pointless to compare (Uh-huh)
You need to scribe this jewelry I write to save this shit on a server (Uh-huh)
And type the way that I speak for movin' space on a cursor
I'm not an advocate for violence, but push me, I'ma push you further
The script, hand on my hips, squeezin' the grip a little firmer (Huh)
These dumb niggas don't realize that it's better to be a learner
(Stupid ni-)
But when you don't is when you get the feelin' of burner
Shut the fuck up, it's better to be watchers, listeners, and observers
'Cause if you not, you'll fuck around, that's how niggas like you get murdered

Murder music, mur-murder music
Murder music, murder music
Yeah, murder music
Murder music, mur-murder music
Yeah, murder music
Murder music, mur-murder music
Yeah, murder music
Murder music, mur-murder music

Murder was the case, the-the, the case
The case was murder

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