
Songtext Moving backwards Tyga


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Moving backwards

First scene
Producers pointin like action
As the chain swings
Lettin shine no sheen
Just my dream
Turn reality
Well done they say to me
How flatterin
I'm just makin it work like batteries
Abuse and batter me
But never wanna challenge me
Leave em shiverin
Lookin in the mirror, like who can fuck with him?
Young troublesome, that the ladies love!
Packed show at the club, who said wait til 21?
Asked who booked, promoter didn't even look my way
Ha, ok
Party people doin what I say
Hands in the air pat ya belly that's enough ay
Just seein how much I can get away with
Lookin for a bird to get away with
Fly in my space ship
Take her back to where I live
Next to god crib
You ain't never been higher than this

Young hollywood star livin lavish
Lookin back what a habit
Everybody like what happened?
Feel like I'm movin backwards
Tyga please show out for the camera
Now everythings flashin
Sittin here like what happened
Feel like I'm movin backwards

Will your friends go
If u had to choose
International will we travelin til we old and blue
That's how family do
But what about if they didn't pay they dues
Well I guess I'll pay that to
Accountant tellin me how much I withdrew
In the last past year or 2
Ain't gotta say it so loud, ya know
I'm just tryin to keep my people proud
I'm the one they countin on to bring the members around
I ain't kiddin my mind is far from small child
I'm on some mike tyson shit up in the first round
Knock ya down
And then I smile
Throw in the towel
I'm so foul
X-rayin every girl blouse
Forgive me, I'm back calm now
Less energy
I don't know what's gotten in to me

Young hollywood star livin lavish
Lookin back what a habit
Everybody like what happened?
Feel like I'm movin backwards
Tyga please show out for the camera
Now everythings flashin
Sittin here like what happened
Feel like I'm movin backwards

My heart beats
Echoes into the cold streets
Where nightmares and darkness begin to meet
As I see
Nobody cares about my history
Not even me
Holdin tight to my rosary
I'm just hopin, someone notice me
Sign a cd
But right now, does it look to shabby t?
Look down can't even see my feet
Everyhings blurry
But now, no more worries for me
Maybe go on maury
As the rapper that used to be
These days they won't even accept me
Except me
Some excedrin
To get rid of conseption
Drugs r a blessin
To someone with no breakfast, damn
It's so hard bein exited, out
Tryin to figure out
What my whole lifes... Been about
Can't even do that right
Will I ever see the light
We back in the limelight mike

Young hollywood star livin lavish
Lookin back what a habit
Everybody like what happened?
Feel like I'm movin backwards
Tyga please show out for the camera
Now everythings flashin
Sittin here like what happened
Feel like I'm movin backwards

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