
Songtext Mothaship Akbar


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This is Akbar
The intergalactic Asiatic star fighter
Creative rhyme writer
I meditate like a spider
And I'm with my man Rishi Nath
We teach math
Raptivist, black activist
Check the hi-five saphire
It's 'bout to go down in your town


[ VERSE 1 ]
I was walkin down the street late one night
When I looked up in the sky cause I spotted a light
I said to myself it couldn't be the moon
And it wasn't a plane or a weather baloon
But whatever it was, it was ready to land
So I didn't try to play no Superman
I began to walk, then I started to run
So I could drop the dime, dial 911
I said, "Yo, Officer, I think that you should know
That I just spotted a UFO"
He said, "We can't go on just 'bout what you say
Cause we get calls like this everyday
In order for us to write out a report
You must have evidence of some sort"
Well, I didn't even get a chance to interrupt
Cause the next thing I knew, the pig hung up
I checked my watch, it was a quarter to four
Then I ran to the house, opened up the door
Jumped in the bed and took a Tylenol
And tried to forget the whole thing I saw
But it was what it was (What was it, cuz?)
But it was what it was (Aiyo Ak, what was it, cuz?)
But it was what it was (What was it, cuz?)
A UFO flyin low, I couldn't budge
Look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, feels like I'm stuck
I musta struck a nerve in my brain
Yo, I saw the Mothership
Visions of the Crystal City made a brother flip
It was the Mothership, yo, I saw the Mothership
Visions of the Crystal City made a brother flip

[ VERSE 2 ]
I was smack dab in the middle of a wonderful dream
When I was suddenly awokened by a freightening scream
My first reaction was to grab my heat
Pulled down the covers, threw back the sheets
Looked over to the window, sprang to my feet
Outside I saw mad people on the street
In a state of shock, somebody called the cops
To quiet the riot but now they're pullin out glocks
Shuttin down blocks, bustin shots in the sky
But why even try to defy the Most High
It was a divine sign, encounter of the third kind
Let my words shine till the planets re-align
Tell the angels to hold the four winds
Before the world ends when the land descends
Introducin em to the New Jerusalem
To settle the pain and end the devil's reign
The mother came, I saw the mothership
You might think I'm on the brink of some other [edited]
But it was what it was (What was it, cuz?)
But it was what it was (Aiyo Ak, what was it, cuz?)
But it was what it was, actually
My angelic brothers was comin back for me
Yo, I saw the Mothership
Visions of the Crystal City made a brother flip
It was the Mothership, yo, I saw the Mothership
Visions of the Crystal City made this brother flip
It was the Mothership, yo, I saw the Mothership
Visions of the Crystal City made a brother flip
It was the Mothership, yo, I saw the Mothership
Visions of the Crystal City made this brother flip

(S.O.S., S.O.S., alien creatures are landing)

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Akbar is a bit of a mystery to us. Their discography includes Big Bang Boogie. Their most popular genre is Pop.

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