Smoke Dza

Songtext Morals Smoke Dza


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La musica de Harry Fraud

Man what's up DZA
Its your Uncle Snoop man
These young niggas really be following some fucked up rules and regulations man
A lot snitching going on man

Some niggas came up glorifying niggas who was snitching
Its fucked up but I don't blame 'em cause we grew up different

Ya we grew up different cuz
We do it a little different

When I was getting my cake you was on the fire escape
Window watching, gangster fantasizing you know
Every time my phone vibrates somebody want it, why wait?
What's good you on deck I'm ready let's go what's popping
Bagging up got to keep my phone away from the scale
Paranoid waiting for some goods to come in the mail
All money ain't good can't be thirst for a sale
My nigga Donny on the island he just waiting for bail
I'm 'bout to spinach the kale
Shout out to my hustlers real ones not the niggas who tell
New fellas playing with hammers getting rank on the block
Doing little skip its getting spanked up top
Majority of them dumb lame, outside nigga
Just another pussy nigga with money he still chump change
Whatever works for him I ain't sharing no turf with him
Fuck his daddy for leaving him, curse his momma for birthing him
Bitch niggas no more space on the earth for 'em
Dig a hole in the dirt for 'em
My big homie got a decade he don't care about visits
All he want is a little short to re-up on his minutes

Some niggas came up glorifying niggas who was snitching
Its fucked up but I don't blame 'em cause we grew up different
We just grew up different
My nigga, we just grew up different
Some niggas came up glorifying niggas who was snitching
Its fucked up but I don't blame 'em cause we grew up different
You sucked dick fam we blew up different
Don't get ahead of your self

Born in the 70s, raised in the 8-0s
Keep heat lay low, meat with potatoes
Don't play with Leggos or Playdoh
The K goes, whop bop boom bam
Two hands you can
Become a victim or a witness
Now that's a twist
Niggas around my way, what is he going to say
Telling is a felon, and they selling that shit
Bitch nigga pillow talking telling that bitch
All the business from the hood, what he will and he would
He fresh out and y'all treat him like its all good
But don't let me catch him slipping
We tripping, 20 cripping
Fuck all snitches
I'm a old school nigga, protocol regulations
If you bend or break, ain't no stipulation
Conversation, confrontation, infiltration, intervention
Its fucked up but cuz we grew up kinda different

Some niggas came up glorifying niggas who was snitching
Its fucked up but I don't blame 'em cause we grew up different
We just grew up different
My nigga, we just grew up different
Some niggas came up glorifying niggas who was snitching
Its fucked up but I don't blame 'em cause we grew up different
You sucked dick fam we blew up different
Don't get ahead of your self
Some niggas came up glorifying niggas who was snitching
Its fucked up but I don't blame 'em cause we grew up different
We just grew up different
My nigga, we just grew up different
Some niggas came up glorifying niggas who was snitching
Its fucked up but I don't blame 'em cause we grew up different
You sucked dick fam we blew up different
Don't get ahead of your self

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