
Songtext Monarch $not


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She hit me up
Freshco made this

Just hit me up on my cellphone (Ayy)
I'll pick it up in the early morning
Ridin' fast in a Ford
Hold up, pull up in a DeLorean
Kill a bitch and my enemies
Wait, nigga, we ain't frenemies (What?)
Niggas snakes, but I'm venomous (Ayy)
Dangerous 'cause I'm marvelous (Yeah)
Bitch feel [?] ride a bike
Snipe right through that nigga eye (Phew)
One clip, open up the door (Ayy)
Door is open, no suicide
Wartime, throw it on the mic (Yeah)
Murder shit, now they outta sight (Ayy)
Coming out the door with the light (Wassup?)
Always win, never lose a fight

Catch me swervin' in that SUV
Humvee army, shit green
Darth Vader, choppa shoot beams
Goyard match some Margiela jeans
What you trippin' over, lil' bitch? (What?)
It's okay, she belongs to the streets (Haha)
Money fat, pockets obese (Ayy)
Fucked your bitch, fuck the police
Picasso and a pink masterpiece (Ayy)
Had to move a different way (What?)
Nigga, move, get the fuck out my way
Cut 'em up and give 'em boozy face
Nigga with a blade drip, flings (Wassup?)
Green target, nigga, shoot, aim (Yeah)
Yeah, the same shit you do ain't a game
Ain't no respawn, change of frame (Ayy)
Bitch, why you tryna fuck me? (What?)
Try to fuck me for my last name (Haha)
Fortune, fortune, fortune, and fame (Yeah)
Knock you out of Earth into the space (Ayy)
Bitch, what the fuck you want from me? (What?)
Shooter hidin' on top of the trees (Trees)
Got a lot of tricks up my sleeves
Smokin' gas, nigga, I can't breathe (No)
Smokin' gas, nigga, I can't see (Uh-huh)
Just open up my wings so I can fly
Real wings like a monarch (Yeah)
Chopper Iron Man, Tony Stark
Vroom vroom, nigga, push the start
She give me brain, I think that bitch is smart
She give me brain 'til I fall apart
So cold, heart full of dark

Just hit me up on my cellphone
I'll pick it up in the early morning
Ridin' fast in a Ford
Hold up, pull up in a DeLorean
Kill a bitch and my enemies
Wait, nigga, we ain't frenemies
Niggas snakes, but I'm venomous
Dangerous 'cause I'm marvelous
Bitch feel [?] ride a bike
Snipe right through that nigga eye
One clip, open up the door
Door is open, no suicide
Wartime, throw it on the mic
Murder shit, now they outta sight
Coming out the door with the light
Always win, never lose a fight

Catch me swervin' in that SUV
Humvee army, shit green
Darth Vader, choppa shoot beams
Goyard match some Margiela jeans
What you trippin' over, lil' bitch? (What?)
It's okay, she belongs to the streets (Haha)
Money fat, pockets obese (Ayy)
Fucked your bitch, fuck the police
Picasso and a pink masterpiece (Ayy)
Had to move a different way (What?)
Nigga, move, get the fuck out my way
Cut 'em up and give 'em boozy face
Nigga with a blade drip, flings (Wassup?)
Green target, nigga, shoot, aim (Yeah)

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