Smoke Dza

Songtext Milestone Smoke Dza


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When you up the hate come from left field
I'm tapped in dog, blue pill red pill
Feeling like Drago on the treadmill
On the road so much forgot how my beds feel
God bless the real ones left still
Waiting for the bullshit to set sail
Intake a dab and then I exhale
She wanna fuck text code words, let's chill
My man still locked for a direct sale he made on a Nextel
A while back he had to, Ave sold wild crack
Wild cat, shoulda been coached by Calipari
Put money on his books now he ballin in commissary
Honorary nigga he would do it for me
Stick by your people keep it fluently G, uhh
For the good ones here and the good ones now gone
Making it to 30's a milestone

I'm gon' hold you down
I'm gon' hold you down
Even when it's all up, even when it goes down I'm around
I'm gon' hold you down
I'm gon' hold you down
Speaking on milestones I smoke till the pound gone
Watching TV but I ain't got the sound on
Coulda been the king but I ain't put the crown on
Just a street nigga for the shit that I'm down for
What am I up for, what do I puff for
Say a dope rhyme lead a crowd into uproar
Other than that, ask myself what do I give a fuck for
Game so phony and everybody gets Tony but
Tony killed Manolo so I snap like a photo
In the juice bar dolo on some health shit
Think about the homeless, think about the helpless
I could be selfish, rather be selfless
Spark 'cause the sharks shouldn't chill with the shellfish
But I keep it G until I'm Elvis
Talking dirty on the phone and you gettin' a dial tone
To not get arrested is a milestone
Ghost nigga

You gettin' pimped now look at you the new rap hoe
If I touch it then I take it to a new plateau
Success is a process, gotta do that slow
Before I blew all a nigga knew was move that blow
Write a verse everyday and just pursue that flow
Without the risk the reward is just do that show
Cream on top of the cream, call it Dough a la mode
Left the drugs in the hood took my show on the road
Figured they ain't never been nowhere I show 'em the road
Some of them forgot the roles had to show em the code
Then I started heating up, had to show 'em the cold
Cause they ain't wanna man up, had to go on his own
Slugs will crack your skull then they go in your dome
Couple Psalms from the bible they go in a poem, yea
Hard plastic or even a wild chrome, ain't nothing stopping me from my milestone
Kiss nigga

I'm gon' hold you down
I'm gon' hold you down
Even when it's all up, even when it goes down I'm around
I'm gon' hold you down
I'm gon' hold you down

I'm gon' hold you down
I'm gon' hold you down
I'm gon' hold you down
Till we in the ground
I'm gonna hold you down

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