
Songtext Mic memorial Casual


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Mic memorial

Just so your bookie don't overlook me
I still rock a show with rookies. The flow is cookies
Dipped in milk. Spiderman dipped in silk, I gansta lean and lift the tilt
Sitting mic check ace duce
See the seven duce Monte Carlo? Yeah, that's the Grey Goose
I'll right hand your hype man, While the crew bogart yours bodyguard.
You so hard Yakuza leave ya body scared. Sten shooter glock user rocking Pac music
See the mac flow over ya
The gat blow, Joe, You'll see so many arms you'll get arachnophobia!
The black foe', Shut shit like the Lac doe' normally laid back but he's on thee attack
It's the Cheikh Anta, Diop of Hip hop. The Rhyming Van Sertima. Lock Jaw User Maat-Ra Setepen-Ra.
The planned murderer of land burglars. It's the Twa the first steller people
Nigga we the Bes, Rome next to the Olmecs. Who told the secrets to the masons?
Ra Fried my pineal with no apron. Tahiti scriptures. rappers try and boobie trap us.
But we're truly viscous wild and unruly with it
Rap songs-animated-
Pixar Movie pictures!
On the utmost-est
Reign like the third Tutmoses

With the Tongue play

I place words in the beats when it's heard in the streets
It's like audible Fung Shui
Where tennis shoes hanging from electric wires

Corner store wall paper? neglected fliers.
And you expect the liars to rectify us?
When cops come around, they petrify us?
Your impious won't deny Us pious

We only understand the hieghts of the highest
Yo, who's the most treacherous? Son the flows effortless. Wonderful, wet-tundra-flow, The essence is excellence
Drop bombs under yo bungalow. Heavy flow bro don't get caught in the undertow!
You got fans that would be irresponsible.
Most rappers know so they fear the monster!
Boy wet. Saturated. Hydrated. I vibrated up out of my physical a wizard to you pseudo-lyrical misfits,
This is more than a band

These are Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man
Smash rock & Toure', Twice your life span

In Oakland the other day 4 cops got wasted

I was spitting raps to re' shit in my basement
I shine luminous. Rhyme Catalog numerous.
The Lunar Polar and Solar mic controller
Not a Kabbalah follower the crown chakra rocker gotta meditate to elevate then educate the feather weight!
Y'all betta wait, fa Casual next album, and if it don't drop... It levitates!
The best flow just so celestial boy I spit helium. IF you don't know god then I'm the medium for meeting him
Fulla game still will pulla thang guerrilla killa aim...
My raps float over tracks like the Bullet Train
I have to squeeze big lyrics in micro phones, I need a macro-phone
You tour is like a Apple phone; 16gigs for 3G's? you should have stayed back at home

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