
Songtext Man up Accept


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Man up

Sometimes life will hit you like a brick to the head
Knock you down and cover you up with a ton of lead
You can't see it coming and you got nowhere to turn
One big inferno, stand up and watch it burn

In every life, some rain must fall, it feels like I'm gonna drown
Left in the ocean with nothing at all, learn to swim, buckle down

Man up, life is hard
Man up, can't beat the dealer, just play your cards
Man up, you got to stay the course
Man up, only one way back on the horse
Man up

There's a whole new story in the blink of an eye
You wake up, everything's changed and you don't know why
It doesn't matter how you try, some things you can't control
It'll rip your heart out, destroy your very soul

In every life, the darkness comes, it feels like I'm going blind
You take the pain and follow the drums, you don't dare get left behind

Man up, life is hard
Man up, bite the bullet and wear the scars
Man up, you got to follow the spark
Man up, there's only one way out of the dark

Man up, life is hard
Man up, can't beat the dealer, just play your cards
Man up, you got to bear the load
Man up, walk tall to the end of the road
Man up

Into each life, the pain will come, it'll beat you all about
Ready or not, you're under the gun, tow the line, tough it out

Man up, life is hard
Man up, bite the bullet and wear the scars
Man up, you got to follow the spark
Man up, there's only one way out of the dark

Man up, life is hard
Man up, can't beat the dealer, just play your cards
Man up, you got to stay the course
Man up, there's only one way back on the horse
Man up

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Accept are a German heavy metal band from the town of Solingen, originally assembled in the early 1970s by vocalist Udo Dirkschneider. They played an important role in the development of speed metal and Teutonic thrash metal, being part of the German heavy/speed/power metal scene to emerge in the early to mid 1980s. The band's 1983 album, Balls to the Wall, subsequently became their most successful release, featuring its well-known hit with the same title. Following their disbandment in 1997 and brief resurrection in 2005, they reunited in 2009 with former T.T. Quick frontman Mark Tornillo replacing Dirkschneider.

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