The Presidents Of The United States Of America

Songtext Lunatic to love The Presidents Of The United States Of America


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Lunatic to love

I said I loved you and I told you on a Tuesday
You say you're happy but your mind is slidin' sideways
You say you're happy but you're dozy in the theater
The goons keep grillin me wonderin' - how I'm treatin' ya!
I say she's happy, that's all that matters
I say she's happy, that's all that matters
Her clothes are crappy and her brain is badly battered
You say she's happy, that's all that matters now
That's all that matters now

When I get you home in my room 'tween my sheets
And I got a chance to tell you, face to face
How I feel about you darling now, I say

You're a lunatic to love
You're a lunatic to love
You can hold my hand to stand up
Hey Lunatic

I dropped you off at the asylum on a Friday
You looked like hell but I said that you looked OK
You spent the weekend flailing round the trailer
I had to tie you down and strap on you inhaler

I wish that I could help you feel the cold breeze
Set up an IV of sanity
Say there's a spy in one half of your brain
Spyin' on the other half and it's drivin' you a little insane

But you're happy, that's all that matters
You say your happy, that's all that matters
Your clothes are crappy and your brain is badly battered
You say your happy, that's all that matters now
That's all that matters right now

When I rescue you from those concrete rooms
Where they keep you tied up to your bed
Giving you shots of electricity every morning at 7 am
It's enough to drive a sane person crazy
Baby let me tell you how I feel about ya

You're a lunatic to love
You can hold my hand to stand up
Hey Lunatic

Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love
Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love
Luncatic to love
A luncatic to love
A luncatic to love
A luncatic to love

A luncatic to love
A luncatic to love
A luncatic to love
A luncatic to love, love, love, love, love, love
A luncatic to love

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The Presidents of the United States of America, commonly referred to as The Presidents, is a twice Grammy-nominated American alternative rock band. The band formed in Seattle, USA, in 1993. The three-piece group currently comprises vocalist and "basitarist" Chris Ballew, drummer and vocalist Jason Finn with "guitbassist" and vocalist Andrew McKeag. "Guitbassist" and vocalist Dave Dederer was a member of the band for 11 years before leaving in 2004. They have released six studio albums since forming in 1993.

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