En Vogue

Songtext Love won't take me out En Vogue


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Love won't take me out

I had a love
And I had pain
Best believe
They come hand in hand
Cause Im a soldier
For the love brigade
Im prepared to do battle
With anything

I have control of my life you see
Lets keep it real not to make believe
I wont get caught with my foot in my mouth
And I wont let love take me out
I have the power to do as I please
I take the blows and I do it with ease
I dish it out very hard theres no doubt
And I wont let love take me out

I had to be
A fool indeed
To let someone
Break me down to my knees
I was wreckless
With my heart you see
Theres no rule for that in my world
And yet thats plan

Say bye bye to the teary brown eyes
And the big sad face with an upside down smile
Its so beneath me its so beneath
Say bye bye to the meaningless days
And the loneliest nights
Just wasting my mind
Its so beneath me it cant control me

I have control of my life you see
Lets keep it real not to make believe
I wont get caught with my foot in my mouth
And I wont let love take me out
I have the power to do as I please
I take the blows and I do it with ease
I dish it out very hard theres no doubt
And I wont let love take me out

I have control of my life you see
Lets keep it real not to make believe
I wont get caught with my foot in my mouth
And I wont let love take me out
I have the power to do as I please
I take the blows and I do it with ease
I dish it out very hard theres no doubt
And I wont let love take me out

Wont take me out wont take me out
Wont take me out wont take me out
Wont take me out wont take me out
Me out me out me out

Time to rise
Time to shine
Never again
Cause I decline
To be a victim
Of a broken heart
Cause I found the goddess in me
And now I leave my mark

I have control of my life you see
Lets keep it real not to make believe
I wont get caught with my foot in my mouth
And I wont let love take me out
I have the power to do as I please
I take the blows and I do it with ease
I dish it out very hard theres no doubt
And I wont let love take me out
Repeat x3

I have the power to do as I please
I wont let it take me out
I dish it out very hard theres no doubt
And I wont let love take me out

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En Vogue an R&B/pop group formed in the early 90s under the direction of music producers Denzil Foster and Thomas McElroy. Their original and most successful line-up was Cindy Herron, Dawn Robinson, Terry Ellis and Maxine Jones. Their debut album Born to Sing was released in April 1990 and spun several top hits many of which crossed over from the R&B charts to the pop charts, most notably "Don't Go" and "Hold On". "Hold On" particularly was hugely successful and won the group two prestigious awards Billboard Music Award for R&B Single of the Year and Soul Train Music Award for Best Single by a Duo/Group.

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