Blues Traveler

Songtext Look around Blues Traveler


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Look around

You'll get no answer from me
About what I want or what I get
Brave enough to speak afraid to see
Confuse the issue till you forget
And I've tried
To finally decide
I'm in your face
And if you can't already tell
I am unable to let things go
I'm told I do it very well
But more important you should know
That all the same
You've got no one to blame
But yourself
If you call that a waste
Cause it ain't me
That's been hurting you inside
And if you've learned
You'll know much more than I
That you're gonna have to go and find it
You'll have to dig beneath the ground
You'll have to unearth every ugly stone
That kept you on your own
And simply put them down
You're gonna have to look around
You'll get no answer from me
About what I get or what I want
That was enough to make her leave
She's not the first one come and gone
And I don't care
Buyer beware
Of me
Cause it might get rough
If you want peace then live alone
If you wanna hide then find a stage
Each a brief but perfect home
To accommodate your rage
And sometimes
In the midst of all my crimes
I feel lost
Or have I lost enough
Remaining friends
Remind me as they say
It's up to you
The things you throw away
And still you're gonna have to go and find it
You'll have to dig beneath the ground
You'll have to unearth every ugly stone
That kept you on your own
And simply put them down
You're gonna have to look around
You're gonna have to look around
You're gonna have to look around

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Blues Traveler are possibly most widely known for their fourth album, the multi-platinum four (1994). The album spawned two top ten hits "Hook" and "Run Around" and won the Grammy for Best Rock Vocal Performance by a Duo or Group in 1996. The band have released nine studio albums since their inception in 1990 and none managed to achieve the four-times-platinum status of four and only the follow-up album, Straight On Till Morning, managed to make platinum again; it also had one hit single "Carolina Blues". Blues Traveler have a loyal fan-base and continue to record and tour with much success.

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