
Songtext Little red riding hood Skylark


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Little red riding hood

I'm lost in the Twilight tonight, but something I took just for granted,
Believing the Devil has died, the Wolf cannot scare me anymore.
I'm crossing the Wood but inside there is a warship in the darkness,
Its cannons are ready to strike but I hold the key of the peace.

Don't stop don't run, just use your mind and your affection,
you don't need a gun to rule the world.

Your legend is my faith to keep your throne alive,
no wolves no alligators can change it.
So ride your winged lion, the Rainbow still is smiling cowgirl,
Fantasy can link us all tonight.

Fly and send me a sign to leave the past behind us,
'till the future will be so bright and your hands can draw the line.
Fly and send me a sign to tell me where's the fire,
and we'll warm your story and mine without big wolf or crimes,
'cause I am here to keep you alive.

I'm lost in the Twilight tonight, I search for a reason, an answer,
to follow this path without signs, to merge the red wine to the blood.
I heard a weak desperate cry, I guess that her grandmother's dying,
the Curse and the Doom will realize, I've just to take care about you.

Don't fly away, just try to point your destination,
leave your package down, don't turn away.

Fly, send me a sign....

Red, Little Riding Hood, day by day this is your life,
Step by step into the wood.
Red, Little Riding Hood, see the wolf is near, behind
And you know he'll never die,.... Red, Little Riding Hood.

I'm your eternal Lord, your dream, your life your nightmare,
A cold breeze that come & go, I'll never let you alone.
Only if this night has gone, Red Hood can cross the dark step
Only without you Wolf, the story can go on.

In my sight: the big black Wolf. So die: cause I'm the legend of the Wood.
I'm not a man and you understand that I am here for your blood.

Hooooooooo: the big black Wolf [x4][the 3rd the big black wolf is here]

In my sight: the big black Wolf. Don't die: you are a symbol of the Wood.
And I can't kill the legend I feel, we'll stay alive, together, tonight.

What kind of arms you have got- it's better to hold you with.
What kind of eyes you have got- it's better to see you tonight.
What kind of nose you have got- it's better to smell you with.
What, mouth so eat you in a while, and clear you from the Wood,... Red, Little Riding Hood.

This is everything we know about this ancient story, discover this Sacred Wood,... Red, Little Riding Hood.

I'm lost in the Twilight tonight, but something I took just for granted,
the wolf and the little girl ride across all my dreams and my thoughts.
I'm writing this story to find, and end to conclude what one started,
some century & century ago, and now I can leave you alone.

Think what you heard, you'll never get some other chances,
listen to these words just one more time:

Your legend is my faith...

Red, Little Riding Hood, this is time to say goodbye
To forget your Magic Wood.
Red, Little Riding Hood, one more song to live your life,
one more night into the Wood,
Red, Little Riding Hood.

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