Company Flow

Songtext Legends Company Flow


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Whole lot of chumps turning hard on the radio (4x)
The legends, go on back, my style is bizarre
Course through my blood of course
For the crews that was and the crews who would be

Denomination of commonly monstrous caution blow the unit's sensation
Fucking with your theology like darwinism in the Bible belt
When I felt demagogueous, bogus spit kill abolish
You haven't heard the foggiest fucking fact
About l dash hubbard uncorrupted
Hovering above the gun was obstructed
Missed me just as I constructed
The facet of the fire was friendly as instructed
I'm not trying to get flighty eight hundred
Homosexual emcees receive five mics
A bizarre world, where co flow is the new pop sensation
With heavy hot 97 rotation
Call 'em as I smell 'em, the jooks that shook tell 'em
3-2-1 contact I'm blessed, definitively not wack
I got it made, you fight to march in the st. patrick's day parade
Called what I thought I thought not the candle
Spill another seed snip vasectomy (ow)
How hard can that erection be now?
They hit me before the case go to trial
Twelve monkeys in a box without a witness to the style
If monkeys on the cock were delicious non stop
Aggravated hemorrhoids burn like tnt the efficient weed crops
Independent as fuck as all senses
You don't apply to my beautiful arrangment (sorry)
I can range from cop killer to rapist to presidential assassin if I chose
Simply for the sake of the derangement, but I don't
And for the specs on my non-technologic pre-produce for lessons
The tune carress tunes of the legends
Exhume carcass to mark hits it's my honor
For any cold reverse to turn loose on my brethren
Justify my simple m.o. with some loving
Utmost closed circuit
Forced to tickle elmo till he pissed in his little britches (oh, stop)
My troop talking to them as fierce may appear to act together
Considerately hitting these switches
Left side directs pestilence to these skies as dialects
Right side locates and entertains the nearest clitoris
Soul blade the hoes froze tyrants
Closed to ultra-violence design bent, disrupted the alignment
I brought on the napalm program the gas context
Consumption people they expect it
Caffeine machine, msg
Fluorocarbons, monoxides, perspective sets you free
It's a voice soon el sets a trend
Comply with exacto and cut for most tips
I'm el-producto, smoke a bong lies well
Tribe of conspirators wants to infiltrate this
My personal reflection on these legends got to be
For the legends

Any rapper on a label should resign and quit (4x)
Take it back to kicking real shit (5x)

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Company Flow was an American underground hip hop group from Brooklyn, New York City at one time associated with the independent record label Rawkus Records. Rapper/producer El-P and DJ/producer Mr. Len founded the group in 1992 in Queens, New York and rapper/producer Bigg Jus later joined.

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