Chris Webby

Songtext Left lane Chris Webby


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Der musikalische text LEFT LANE von CHRIS WEBBY ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Homegrown (2013)



Left lane

I be living in the left lane
Passing y'all by
Sun roof rolling back, speakers up high
I be living in the left lane
Closing my eyes, watch the world from the third person inside
I be living in the left lane
Never looking back with my foot up on the gas, ain't got no time to react
I be living in the left lane
Moving too fast, I'm just trying not to crash, it could all end in a flash
When you be living in the left lane

[Verse 1]
Fast money, fast women, fast cars, doing donuts in the back-yard
Middle fingers up like a rap star, telling me I go too hard
Shots all lined up on the God damn bar, with a chick so bad she dropping jaws
And I'm dropping trou and I hit that raw, yeah
Live this way till I lose my mind, me I'm doing fine
Fucking monster call me Frankenstein and Dracula combined
On my grind, in my verbal prime, still Optimus Rhyme
Got Griselda Blanco coke and no one fucking with these lines
Cause uh, all this shit is apart of my job, the parties the woman
The liquor the music, living a life you could only imagine
Put it in words and I give it to you, kids
But I told them, please don't try this at home, you really will lose it
So don't blame me if my listeners do it (let's go)


[Verse 2]
Let me carefully win, they callin' me Jeremy Lin, never stare at the rim
If you going to give me the rock I'm gonna dribble and carry it in, no comparing to him
Up on the road everyday, chugging a bottle of gin, contacts lens, 20/20
But you can't see them from under my brim, do it again ('gain)
Beast mode, cup full, trees rolled, shit I'm here to rap
And if you're not I'd check that ego, try to keep it peaceful
But if they be coming at me bro
I'm rolling up in a tank, like I got Grand Theft Auto cheat codes
A mix of Mick Jagger and Morrison on tour again, pushing the fucking limits till I'm in the crematorium
Cause when a star goes out it does so in a blaze of glory, then Mr. Harry Fraud will just bring the chorus in


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