Epik High

Songtext Late checkout Epik High


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Late checkout

They hate to love me, love to hate me
Mwon mari maneunji You will never break me
Gagin eodil ga na yeogi mudae wie
Late checkout jom butakae

They hate to love me, love to hate me
I tell the industry fuck you, just pay me
Gagin eodil ga na yeogi mudae wie
Late checkout jom butakae

Wae hapil naega momdameun badagi
Ssak da yangachi yeope yangachi
Nalgae pigiman hamyeon balmok jabatji
Dahaenghido joeda gitteol boda gabyeopji
These featherweights
Land one jab, then they celebrate
Mugel wae jaba
Nae diseukogeuraepiga hebiweiteu
Rap like my rent is late but baegopabonji
Jom dwaeseo I don't do bapgeureut ppaetgilkka bwa haneun jit
Nunchi bogi gogae sugigi maljosim seonggyeok jugigi
Try and cancel me
Nan imi jukgo saranan momiji
You say R I P but to me, it's just a spa day
Chagaun sesangbodan jiokburi ttaseuhagie
Uh, I'm used to heartbreak and hell
Every single verse, I went through heartbreak to tell
Insaengeun Heartbreak hotel
Mwo eottae nado ganmane
Bal ppeotgo jage Late checkout jom butakae

They hate to love me, love to hate me
Mwon mari maneunji You will never break me
Gagin eodil ga na yeogi mudae wie
Late checkout jom butakae

They hate to love me, love to hate me
I tell the industry fuck you, just pay me
Gagin eodil ga na yeogi mudae wie
Late checkout jom butakae

Bal dinneun gonmada gaebaksallae mam bullaen hu
Jeon segyega subae jung wolhwasumokgeumtoil
Ideuni appan bujaejung
I'm better than you and you and you
Pomman jamneun mudaedeul
Gwangaek baneung hangyeoul geunde ne du sonen buchaeppun
Yaena jyaena gyaena biseuthan iyun ttak hana bekkin raep
Bekkin teuraek bekkin peullekseu ne geo da ppaetgil ttae
Geu pyojeongeun daeche nugu geo neona jjocha teurendeu
Urin ttameuro mandeureo utdoneul jugodo jeoldae mot sal beuraendeu
Sigane jjotgineun neowaneun dalli
Tago nolji seworui pado wi
Gapseochi ttajijamyeon epikai Vs nameoji
Da eodi gasseo i badage choegoradeoni
Haneopsi badakchigo wanjeonhi kkeunnabeorin
Geu salui wonin nugureul tathae nunap
Geoul soge dabeul eotgil
Mwo dallil pillyo eopji araseodeul meomchwo seoni
Nan geunyang geotdeon daero georeo maen ape seoji yeojeonhi
Late checkout jom butakae

Late checkout jom butakae
Late checkout jom butakae

When we gotta go, we gotta go
But until that time comes, we're gonna enjoy every last second
Raid the minibar
Loungin' by the pool
Throw a TV out the window on some rock star shit
Call the front desk
Late checkout jom butakae


They hate to love me, love to hate me
? ?? ??? You will never break me
?? ?? ? ? ?? ?? ??
Late checkout ? ???

They hate to love me, love to hate me
I tell the industry fuck you, just pay me
?? ?? ? ? ?? ?? ??
Late checkout ? ???

? ?? ?? ??? ???
? ? ??? ?? ???
?? ??? ?? ?? ???
???? ?? ?? ?? ???
These featherweights
Land one jab, then they celebrate
?? ? ??
? ??????? ?????
Rap like my rent is late but ?????
? ?? I don't do ??? ??? ? ?? ?
?? ?? ?? ??? ??? ?? ???
Try and cancel me
? ?? ?? ??? ???
You say R I P but to me, it's just a spa day
??? ???? ???? ?????
Uh, I'm used to heartbreak and hell
Every single verse, I went through heartbreak to tell
??? Heartbreak hotel
? ?? ?? ???
? ?? ?? Late checkout ? ???

They hate to love me, love to hate me
? ?? ??? You will never break me
?? ?? ? ? ?? ?? ??
Late checkout ? ???

They hate to love me, love to hate me
I tell the industry fuck you, just pay me
?? ?? ? ? ?? ?? ??
Late checkout ? ???

? ?? ??? ???? ? ?? ?
? ??? ?? ? ???????
??? ?? ???
I'm better than you and you and you
?? ?? ???
?? ?? ??? ?? ? ? ?? ???
?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ? ?? ?? ?
?? ?? ?? ??? ? ? ? ?? ?
? ??? ?? ?? ? ?? ?? ???
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ? ? ???
??? ??? ??? ??
?? ?? ??? ?? ?
??? ???? ???? Vs ???
? ?? ?? ? ??? ?????
??? ???? ??? ????
? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??
?? ?? ?? ??
? ?? ?? ?? ???? ?? ??
? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ?? ?? ???
Late checkout ? ???

Late checkout ? ???
Late checkout ? ???

When we gotta go, we gotta go
But until that time comes, we're gonna enjoy every last second
Raid the minibar
Loungin' by the pool
Throw a TV out the window on some rock star shit
Call the front desk
Late checkout ? ???

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