
Songtext Last call Hedley


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Last call

Headlights blinking like a car stuck on the side of the road
Another story 'bout a setting sun that's never been told
Feels like you're losing it all, feels like you're losing it all
Every time you turn around it seems the world has got you down
Keep holding on, we're holding on together

This is the last call
For anyone who gives a damn at all
Last call if we stand together
We will never fall
With the lights off
We'll shine on
We'll shine on
Last call
For anyone who gives a damn it all

When will it rain upon the desert of your tired heart
Like a tempest, like a storm rolls in to tear you apart
Like you're losing it all, feels like you're losing it all
Every time you turn around it seems the world has got you down
Keep holding on, we're holding on together

This is the last call
For anyone who gives a damn at all
Last call if we stand together
We will never fall
With the lights off
We'll shine on
We'll shine on
Last call
For anyone who gives a damn it all

We all bleed
You and me
You can't stop living now you gotta believe
You can't stop living now you gotta breathe

This is the last call
For anyone who gives a damn at all
Last call if we stand together
We will never fall
With the lights off
We'll shine on
We'll shine on
Last call
For anyone who gives a damn it all

Last call
Last call
With the lights off
We'll shine on
We'll shine on
Last call for anyone who gives a damn at all
For anyone who gives a damn at all

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Hedley is a Canadian pop rock band comprising lead singer Jacob Hoggard, who was placed 3rd during the second season of the reality TV series Canadian Idol in 2004, Tommy Mac on bass, Dave Rosin on the guitar and Chris Crippin on drums. The current band retains the original name of Hoggard's pre-Canadian Idol group, although the membership has changed. The band originated in Abbotsford, British Columbia and was named after the town of Hedley, British Columbia, a name chosen after members heard that it was for sale for $346,000. While the idea of buying the town ran its course, the name remained. Hedley performed their hit song "Cha Ching" at the closing ceremony of the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver.

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