Quiet Riot

Songtext Last call for rock and roll Quiet Riot


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Last call for rock and roll

[Kevin DuBrow - Randy Rhoads -- Drew Forsyth - Kelly Garni]

There's a noise on the street
Yes, the sound of a rebel heart beating way
So get up off your seat
The passion and the glory tell a different story
There's a riot going on in the city
We've got the fire burning
Wheels have given up turning
If you listen real hard you will hear
The sound is getting louder
Can't you feel the power

It's the last call for Rock'N'Roll
Rhythm is the power that'll shake your soul
Last call for Rock'N'Roll
Music's gonna take you out of control
Last call for Rock'N'Roll

There's the next line on the way
We can generate it
Never can contain it
So together, don't be shy
You for debation all around cross the nation
Fell the pressure, feel the heat
People cry and live
Having not enough to eat
An eye for an eye is rhythm
The problem's getting bigger
The bigger are the trigger

It's the last call for Rock'N'Roll
Rhythm is the power that'll shake your soul
Last call for Rock'N'Roll
Music's gonna take you out of control
Last call for Rock'N'Roll

Stand up and be counted
Or it'll pass you by
Ain't no time to prove it
It's gonna be your time

Riots going on in your city
The fire's gonna burn, the wheels are gonna turn
Listen real hard you will hear
The sound is getting louder
Can't you feel the power

Of the last call for Rock'N'Roll
Rhythm is the power that'll shake your soul
Last call for Rock'N'Roll
Music's gonna take you out of control
Last call for Rock'N'Roll

Last call for Rock'N'Roll
Rhythm is the power that'll shake your soul
Last call for Rock'N'Roll
Music's gonna take you out of control
Last call for Rock'N'Roll
Last call for Rock'N'Roll
Last call for Rock'N'Roll

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Quiet Riot found fame in the glam metal days of the 80s, when their single, a cover of Slade’s “Cum on Feel the Noize” hit the charts and resulted in the band’s inclusion in VH1s Greatest One Hit Wonders list.

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