Emiliana Torrini

Songtext Lady k Emiliana Torrini


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Lady k

I have been waiting to tell you it's hard to find the words
But my secrets out and running rife through London
And I can not bear you hearing it from someone else
Today my love affair broke she left me inconsolable
She captivated me, beguiled me like a siren
Want to possess her to own her lovely lines
My heart is slow to want and slow to act but when
It catches fire it's almost spiritual
My obsession with the lightness of her promise
Thought I was put here on this earth to serve my goddess

My Lady Kerylos is 28 feet long and
You wouldn't know it she is 70 years old
We spent one summer on her at the Isle of Wight
We had no money to take her out the boat yard
So we just pretended we were far at sea
And little Zoe captained our wildest dreams
We fought monstrous seabirds for precious chips and
Sailed along colossal creatures into giant waves

It was to be a surprise
But like Americans, money speaks loud
A wealthy one came along and paid
Double in a suitcase full of cash
I had booked the first passage through France
That is how I took Lady K for granted

But Lady Kerylos and I were not to be so
Another dream explodes and joins
My heart like faded confetti
On the bottom of the seven seas
I so wished to sail my special Lady K

My Lady Kerylos and I were not to be so
Another dream explodes and joins
My heart like faded confetti
On the bottom of the seven seas
I so wished to sail my special Lady K

Mm Jealous yet?
I can sense it through your letter
Deep grooves almost tearing through the paper
Though this fills me with a wicked sense of pleasure
Now you know the truth about my

My lady Kierylos and I were not to be so
Another dream explodes and joins
My heart like faded confetti
On the bottom of the seven seas
I so wished to sail my special Lady K

But lady Kierylos and I were not to be so
Another dream explodes and joins
My heart like faded confetti
On the bottom of the seven seas
I so wished to sail my special Lady K

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