Hell Razah

Songtext Labor pains Hell Razah


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Labor pains

[Chorus: Razah]
Make that money, shake that honey
Throw a drink on the chick if she acts too funny
Better sit on your lap like a crash test dummy
Niggas that wanna hate better get away from me
Make that money, shake that honey
Throw a drink on the chick if she acts too funny
Let us sit in the car like a crash test dummy
Niggas that wanna hate better get away from me

[Hell Razah:]
Kick a verse in the booth you could take to a jeweler
Feeling like Scarface on his escape from Cuba
Grey Goose in my cooler, I'm born a ruler
Got man disciplined similar to Buddha
You get J. Edgar Hoovered, you fuck, I'll loot up
I'm Disturbing tha Peace and I ain't with Luda
This ain't no rumor and y'all killas with blanks and rugers
I developed your brain and it became a tumor
More deadly than a dope, in the arms of shooters
If you're looking for a get high I'm what you need
Alicia Keys write deeper than these wack emcees
So wash and blow hair with ease, like I came with a breeze
I raise Hell to a thousand degrees
Ring bells of Public Housings, my projects is shooting at D's
It's Maccabeez in them SUV's
Especially to clear a pathway if you ain't gon' squeeze

[Chorus: Razah]
We gotta make that money, shake that honey
Throw a drink on the chick if she act too funny
Better sit on your lap like a crash test dummy
Y'all got fat while I starved, so I came back hungry
Make that money, shake that honey
Throw a drink on the chick if she act too funny
Let us sit in the car like a crash test dummy
Y'all got fat while I starved, so I came back hungry

[Hell Razah:]
Yeah, Renaissance Child, Razah Rubies, Rabbi
Y'all niggas know what it is

I'm the rebirth of Black Caesar, strapped with heaters
We used to back reefer and crack the mind readers
Now most of the god-bodies turned to gang leaders
Came from Olde English to Grey Goose lead us
From A-train stick-ups, late nights on Easter
Now it's Passport's and Bank Cards and Visa's
Worldwide business moves, I ain't tryna move
Gimme a month and you'll be shining my shoes
I invest in building up schools
Give the children the jewels
So they can talk like the King of the Jews
Now it's ProTools, Bluetooth, digital cash
Government giving citizens a prisoner's pass
Crack a forty, welcome back y'all it's Brooklyn homey
You know what it is, so kindly come off that rodeo
(Take it off) Any beef is a wrap like Jamaican rollie
I've missed them real live niggas like Todd and Herbie
Rest in Peace

[Outro: Razah]
All my live-live real niggas out there from Brooklyn
You know what I'm saying?
All the way from Chicago to mothafucking L.A.

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