Frank Zappa

Songtext Keep it greasey Frank Zappa


Keep it greasey

Act II


(annointing himself as he sings)
Keep it greasey so it'll go down easy
Keep it greasey so it'll go down easy
Keep it greasey so it'll go down easy

Roll it over n grease it down
I'll drive you through the heart of town

JOE (who is still wearing his housewife costume from when
he first picked up SY BORG in The Closet) adjusts his little
apron to a more advantageous posi-tion and sings..

Hey, the good women, they sure has it tough
The good men, well there ain't enough
All the good girls are lookin' all the time
Good men is something that they can't find
Cause if they find one miraculously
They try to be as lovin as they can be
'Cause if they find one and let him go
Chances are they might not never find one no mo'
Keep it greasey so it'll go down easy
Keep it greasey so it'll go down easy
Keep it greasey so it'll go down easy

Roll it over 'n grease it down
I'll drive you through the heart of town

A good lovin' man is hardest to find
A good woman needs to ease her mind
And I know a few that need to ease it behind
All y'gotta do is grease it down
'N everything is fine
Keep it greasey so it'll go down easy
Keep it greasey so it'll go down easy
Keep it greasey so it'll go down easy

Roll it over n grease it down
I'll drive you through the heart of town

A girl don't need
No fancy grease
To get herself
Some rump release
Any kind
Of lube'll do
Maybe from another
Part of you
Lube from the North
Lube from the South
Take a little slobber
From the side of your mouth
Roll it over
Grease it down
Here come that crazy
Screamin' sound...
Keep it greasey so it'll go down easy
Keep it greasey so it'll go down easy
Keep it greasey so it'll go down easy
Roll it over 'n grease it down, down, down
Grease it down...
Oh no! Here comes that screamin sound again...

And sure enough the walls of the prison did reverberate with
all sorts of screamin' sounds as lawyers and execs and promo
personages all decide to jump on JOE for a spectacular high
speed gang-bang leading to...

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