
Songtext Karlas back Mist


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Der musikalische text KARLAS BACK von MIST ist auch in dem Album vorhanden M i s to the t (2016)

M i s to the t


Karlas back

Back with a bang (Steel Banglez)
M-I-S-to the fucking T yeah?
'old tight all my apnas, karlas, gouras all of that yeah?

Karla's back with a bang, yeah I wanna take a flight with my fam (take a flight, take a flight)
Karla's back with a bang, might fly with my boys to the Dam (go Dam, go Dam)
Karla's back with a bang, yeah I'll still get your danas yakked (nigga nigga get robbed)
Karlas back with a bang I said karla's back with a bang

And manna act calm
But I still bark my tool
Stack p til my daughter goes private school (that's my princess)
Money is the motive that's my rule
Seen man turn dunce off money, turn fool
But I'ma keep it real and cool
Real niggas in my squad yeah yeah that's who
But I'ma keep it real and cool
Real niggas in my squad yeah yeah that's who
Touch Gatsby's, get wavey in the pool
Fly Westfields, get a tracky from the mall
Late night graft, I be labbing till the morn' (labbing)
Late night graft, I be labbing till the morn' like
Money on my mind that's C.R.E.A.M
Big 4-5 can't fuck with my team
Woke up vex, seen my mom in my dream
Graveyard visits next day I weren't seen like

Karla's back with a bang, yeah I wanna take a flight with my fam (take a flight, take a flight)
Karla's back with a bang, might fly with my boys to the Dam (go Dam, go Dam)
Karla's back with a bang, yeah I'll still get your danas yakked (nigga nigga get robbed)
Karlas back with a bang I said karla's back with a bang

Karla's back with a bang, no whip cause I'm on a ban (soon land, soon land)
Shutdown Leeds outside cause I gotta keep it loyal to my fans
Yeah money's in my plans
Daughter turned real big now I gotta get my racksdem stacked (yeah I gotta set the p)
I wanted to smoke some Cali so I went and took a trip to the caff
Mr. Lemon-Or-The-Am
Just made a banger with SEVAQK
Still got packs, so I slang
Still got the Iraq-link, with the MAC ting boom bang
Still blowing smokey at a hater with my Am like
Pure bad b's on my 'gram
Me and Whitely had a vision and a plan
First-class trip so my family get a tan
Shutdown raves on stage in Japan like

Karla's back with a bang, yeah I wanna take a flight with my fam (take a flight, take a flight)
Karla's back with a bang, might fly with my boys to the Dam (go Dam, go Dam)
Karla's back with a bang, yeah I'll still get your danas yakked (nigga nigga get robbed)
Karlas back with a bang I said karla's back with a bang

Karla's back with a bang, yeah I wanna take a flight with my fam

Karla's back with a bang, yeah I wanna take a flight with my fam (take a flight, take a flight)
Karla's back with a bang, might fly with my boys to the Dam (go Dam, go Dam)
Karla's back with a bang, yeah I'll still get your danas yakked (nigga nigga get robbed)
Karlas back with a bang I said karla's back with a bang

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Mist is a bit of a mystery to us. Their discography includes Bye Bye and We Should Have Been Stars.

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