The Vandals

Songtext Johnny twobags The Vandals


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Johnny twobags

Johnny Twobags doesn't have the blues
and it makes him sad Brings him down
But not down enough to have the blues

He's too white to have the blues
He thinks he should be black to have the blues
He's too green to sing the blues
and Orange County ain't a breeding ground for blues

Oh Johnny do shut up, I know you think you got it rough
You say your life is hard
Well you didn't spend your days stealin' chickens from the rich folks yard

Don't play me for a fool.
Your dad wasn't traded for a mule.
Do you know what I mean
Even if your band gets dropped from Dr. Dream

You ain't black and you ain't blind
You're girlfriend's not the cheating kind
Well you're cleaned up and you're off the booze
Maybe you weren't meant to sing the blues

Ken is struck in a wheel chair
His spine is bent beyond repair
He's not singin' the blues
and you never even worn orthepedic shoes

So at school you might have failed
But there's men being raped in jail
They should be singing the blue
and I'm starting to think that you haven't paid your dues

You ain't black and you ain't blind
You're girlfriend's not the cheating kind
Well you're cleaned up and you're off the booze
Maybe you weren't meant to sing the blues

He's too white to have the blues
He thinks he should be black to have the blues
He's too green to sing the blues
and Orange County ain't a breeding ground for blues

It's ok, so don't be sad
that your not sad
cause your still rad
to me

Johnny Twobags doesn't have the blues
and it makes him sad Brings him down
But not down enough to have the blues

He's too white to have the blues
He thinks he should be black to have the blues
He's too green to sing the blues
and Orange County ain't a breeding ground for blues

You ain't black and you ain't blind
You're girlfriend's not the cheating kind
Well you're cleaned up and you're off the booze
Maybe you weren't meant to sing the blues

It's ok, so don't be sad
that your sad
cause your still rad
to me

You don't have to pay no dues or be born to lose
Alot of people would kill to be in your shoes
Maybe you weren't meant to sing the blues

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The Vandals are an American rock band established in 1980 in Huntington Beach, California. They have released ten full-length studio albums and two live albums and have toured the world extensively, including performances on the Vans Warped Tour. They are well-known for their use of humor, preferring to use their music as a vehicle for entertainment and sarcasm rather than as a platform for more "serious" issues. They are currently recording for Kung Fu Records.

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