Dropkick Murphys

Songtext Jimmy collin's wake Dropkick Murphys


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Der musikalische text JIMMY COLLIN'S WAKE von DROPKICK MURPHYS ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Rose tattoo for boston charity (2013)

Rose tattoo for boston charity


Jimmy collin's wake

The pictures tell the story
This life has many shades
I'd wake up every morning and before I'd start each day
I'd take a drag from last nights cigarette
That smoldered in it's tray
Down a little something and then be on my way

I traveled far and wide
And laid this head in many ports
I was guided by a compass
I saw beauty to the north
I drew the tales of many lives
And wore the faces of my own
I had these memories all around me
So I wouldn't be alone

Some may be from showing up
Others are from growing up
Sometimes I was so messed up and didn't have a clue
I ain't winning no one over
I wear it just for you
I've got your name written here
In a rose tattoo

In a rose tattoo
In a rose tattoo
I've got your name written here
In a rose tattoo

This ones for the mighty sea
Mischief, gold and piracy
This ones for the man that raised me
Taught me sacrifice and bravery
This ones for our favorite game
Black and gold, we wave the flag
This ones for my family name
With pride I wear it to the grave

Some may be from showing up
Others are from growing up
Sometimes I was so messed up and didn't have a clue
I ain't winning no one over
I wear it just for you
I've got your name written here
In a rose tattoo

In a rose tattoo
In a rose tattoo
I've got your name written here,
In a rose tattoo
In a rose tattoo
In a rose tattoo
I've got your name written here
In a rose tattoo

This one means the most to me
Stays here for eternity
A ship that always stays the course
An anchor for my every choice
A rose that shines down from above
I signed and sealed these words in blood
I heard them once, sung in a song
It played again and we sang along

You'll always be there with me
Even if you're gone
You'll always have my love
Our memory will live on

Some may be from showing up
Others are from growing up
Sometimes I was so messed up and didn't have a clue
I ain't winning no one over
I wear it just for you
I've got your name written here

In a rose tattoo

In a rose tattoo
In a rose tattoo
I've got your name written here,
In a rose tattoo
In a rose tattoo
In a rose tattoo
With pride I'll wear it to the grave for you
In a rose tattoo
In a rose tattoo
I've got your name written here,
In a rose tattoo
In a rose tattoo
In a rose tattoo
Signed and sealed in blood I would die for you

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Dropkick Murphys are a Celtic punk band made up of working-class boys from Boston’s Quincy area. Musical influences which include The Pogues, The Clash and the Swinging Utters have helped the Murphys stay focused on issues important to their hard-working, blue-collar fanbase.

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