Passion Pit

Songtext Its not my fault i'm happy Passion Pit


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Its not my fault i'm happy

Sorry I couldn't be there, I was tied to a rocking chair
I was beat down to a pulp rocking back and forth somewhere
If you knew, if you saw, you'd have said it was the final straw
That my life was bound and tethered on a porch by the shore

But there is no no no no
easy way to tell them so, the things you know
And run run run run
Run they say, they think they know exactly so

It's not right, it's not right
How am I the only one who sees us fight?
What are we? Who are they?
Who says those bastards don't deserve to pay?
Well it's enough, it's just enough 'cause we don't stand a chance
So long you stay around, you're just another song and dance
It's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair
Still I'm the only one who seems to care

It's funny that being funny makes you feel like up and running
When your past lingers like rain clouds, casting shadows below
I could live with so many burns, I take all your hope and yearning
But there's no one I want to take me for that petty little rose

I used to glow glow glow glow
Once I had a love to show, a love they know
They're slow slow slow slow
So slow that they never know where I go

It's not right, it's not right
How am I the only one who sees us fight?
What are we? Who are they?
Who says those bastards don't deserve to pay?
Well it's enough, it's just enough 'cause we don't stand a chance
So long you stay around, you're just another song and dance
It's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair
Still I'm the only one who seems to care

I know that it's only something
I'm just working with what I've been given
It's not my fault, I'm happy
Don't call me crazy, I'm happy

It's not right, it's not right
How am I the only one who sees us fight?
What are we? Who are they?
Who says those bastards don't deserve to pay?
Well it's enough, it's just enough 'cause we don't stand a chance
So long you stay around, you're just another song and dance
It's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair
Still I'm the only one who seems to care

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Passion Pit is an American electronic/pop band from Cambridge, Massachusetts. Formed in 2007 the group consists of Michael Angelakos of Buffalo (lead vocals/keyboards) Ian Hultquist (keyboards/guitar) Ayad Al Adhamy (synth/samples) Jeff Apruzzese (bass/synth bass) and Nate Donmoyer (drums). All of the band members, except Angelakos, attended Berklee College of Music.

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