Chali 2Na

Songtext International Chali 2Na


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Sa ga sa, sa ga now now now
That's for testing, one two
Chali 2na, Beenie Man
Check it, brace yourself, consuma
Sugar ang fish, they doma computa
Bring a lunatic and intellect check the style
We extra

Oh, listen to the music we are puttin out
Ah, and everything is all right
And if don't like the music I will throw ya out
Will make ya dance all night
Feel the stuff that we are callin out
Listen to the call come frome above
Listen to the words that we are sendin out(sendin out)

Put your hands up in da air like dis
But quick, face to face
And embrace ya history
We got the recipe that erase the
Cause you'll be repin the south side of our town till the death of ya(sucker)
We paper convey
It's safer to say
We crumble up ya crew like they was paper mache
The vapor we spray
Make your vagas to delay
Power to get props we could take it away
Ya never catch me with the no lame girl home
Cause the fish voice is deeper than James Earl Jones
And the Beenie Man in the same world zone
Fire from the vampire as the game twirls on

Oh, listen to the music we are callin out
Ah, and everything is all right
And if ya don't like the music I will throw ya out
Will make ya dance all night
Feel the stuff than we are callin out
Listen to the flow come frome above
Listen to the birds that we are standin out(standin out)

Come take a look upon your watch
The real mans stuff always come on out

This one not got one on da ya eder
Listen man your life is in slunder
Woo! and my lyrics'll burn ya like ginger
Fell like litnin, blunder like thunder
For ya gigi I don't fear
Ruf on da partment
Thas what I know care
Yet ya think I don't go there
Till a frir don come here

Oh, listen to da music we are callin out
Ah, and everythings all right
And if ya don't like the music I will throw ya out
Will make ya dance all night
Feel the stuff that we are callin out
Listen to the call come frome above
Listen to the birds that we are standin out(standin out)

We be the oasis
We show taste to people by makin the whole place shift
We show faith to people with no patience
It don't make sense, it won't place with trouble
But, gracius
We never be play chess
Never let a girl without no latex
No doubt go safe sex
The nocturnal make ità
Bout to explode like a popcorn kernel
So we clowns can make the ground shake
Our music attracts women thicker than pound cake
You brothers that sound fake you must check the style
We extra!

Oh, listen to the music we are puttin out
Ah, and everything is all right
And if ya don't like the music I will throw you out
Will make ya dance all night
Feel the stuff that we are callin out
Listen to the call flow from above
Listen to the words that we are sendin out(sendin out)

(Merci à Johnathan pour cettes paroles)

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