Chinese Man

Songtext In my room Chinese Man


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In my room

Switching to different chords drifter with the liquid sword
In this battle I'm defending victims in these wicked wars
Deep in my balls I'm a descendant of chicken George
Mister kicking doors if mine ain't as moving quick as yours
I'm pushing forward them crooked roads in bucket mode
Look my lyric bucket overflows till my book explodes
And while the new keeps mocking old I lock and load
The topic's torn like stocking holes while I'm rock and roll
So cop a squat and watch me dropping this proper plot
Those who try to stop us is ducking from high copper tops
You talk a lot but put your head up on a chopping block
The aquanaut pushing messages through my conscious art
And I don't just move crowds
I try to radiate the place like a mushroom cloud
I bust tunes loud they say that they can't touch dude's style
If you won't change you must move now
Now let's go

With integrity I try to end bigotry
Using my pen as weaponry I can defend liberty
Instead of in bed with me enemies get gritty
But I transcend treachery with intensity
Convinced men to be better than they can see themselves
Presented them with the key so they can free themselves
But that act backfires like a black fire
This backpack sire makes them turn the track higher
The mischievous deceive you to consent
Trying to blindly lead the people to the place where they're content
But I know the promised land like I know my momma's hand
Fuck the drama I'm'a take a stand for the common man
Whether it's ancient Marseille or Rotterdamn
It seems like peace is just a hologram not a plan
That's why the team that tries to mobilize and unify the masses
Till society is classless it's do or die

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