Joe Budden

Songtext Immortal Joe Budden


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What if the hunger was missin'? What if the passion was gone?
If we're truthfully speakin', never saw it lastin' this long
If the words didn't rhyme, what would I do for a livin'?
But I've been dead for so long, I figure I'm due for some livin'
They only see the effects, never pay no mind to the cause
My thinking is so complex, implicit, he can get lost
What if everybody was real and I wasn't surrounded by frauds?
The moral in that is so priceless just cause I know what it costs
Lookin' back, damn near every problem, I had it
Never got 'em retracted
I combat it, problematic, every problem of an addict
But that's just the way the cards fell
Heartfelt but can you be cheated if God dealt?
Fuck this shit, only regret that I have is never bein' regretful
I mean they all tried to kill me, none of them were successful
A few I knew for some years, some never met me and tried
But you can't kill nothin' that's ready to die

They say I live my own way, own way, and that's fine
I'm just livin' my own way, own way, like I can't die
They can't remove my heart, my soul might take it's toll
The air I breathe and the ground below
But no way, no way, let 'em all tryThat's how it feels to be immortal
That's how it feels to be immortal
That's how it feels to be immortal

And now I'm feelin' like Steven when he was up in that hospital
Nigga shot him nine times, they got him thinkin' illogical
Crippled, feelin' immortal, he cheated death, he unstoppable
He just want that revenge, nigga, feel like dying's impossible
They want me to regress like I ain't been through the worst
Instead of me bein' blessed, they want me pinned in that dirt
If you knew me in the past you would think my winning's deserved
They never noticed my path and all the sins I did first
Both my parents did drugs, see they put them syringes to work
And I carry that same exact gene, but I never mention I'm cursed
Those prescriptions were murder, I blame it all on that nurse
She started my relapse way back, I developed a thing for them percs
Fuck this shit, only regret that I have is ever bein' regretful
Them fuckin' pills tried to kill me, none of them were successful
I close my hands on my knees, send these words to the sky
You can't kill nothin' that's ready to die, fuck this shit

Say I live my own way, own way, and that's fine
I'm just livin' my own way, own way, like I can't die
They can't remove my heart, my soul might take it's toll
The air I breathe and the ground below
But no way, no way, let 'em all try
That's how it feels to be immortal
That's how it feels to be immortal
That's how it feels to be immortal

See I'm so self destructive, hurt anyone that come near
Done it my whole career, was always one of her fears
Hurt her so much in the past, I'm supposed to be healin' her
But she love me so much, she say that it's only killin' her
Now she say she can't watch it, pill poppin', it's toxic
Promised her I would stop it, just go hide when I pop it
It's a shame we can never be the same, wasn't prideful
How can I tell you I'm nowhere near finished from bein' suicidal?
Baby that wasn't me, just some nigga that smelled like me
Fuck like you stuck by some nigga that felt like me
You watched me lose weight, you just waited there helplessly
You just offerin' help to me, I just dissed the shit selfishly
When you left, I condemned you, really I should commend you
Not for havin' that in you, but for havin' the strength to
I make amends to you now, you shouldn't have seen me that high
I killed you when you wasn't ready to die

Say I live my own way, own way, and that's fine
I'm just livin' my own way, own way, like I can't die
They can't remove my heart, my soul might take it's toll
The air I breathe and the ground below
But no way, no way, let 'em all try
That's how it feels to be immortal
That's how it feels to be immortal
That's how it feels to be immortal

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