
Songtext Imma Bbno$


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Der musikalische text IMMA von BBNO$ ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Good luck have fun (2020)

Good luck have fun



Bad boy and I'm quite slick
See me doin' numbers and I'm gettin' rich
I'm a baby boy need the cute shit, laced it
Don't tempt me with the boomstick
I'ma nut quick then I dip quick
Pick my gold teeth with a diamond 'crusted toothpick
I'm a rich one, finessin' with the coupon
Move it to the futon while she tryna taste it
I'ma do shit, Lentra made the beat hit
Baby on his money, shit, I'm not about them politics
I'm a go getta, and I love cheddar
Also love feta but the bread a little better
I'ma flex off, Balenciaga tank top
Watch me drip-drop with my fuckin' wrist watch
I'm a big cheese, you crumble like some feta
With two bitches, might just call a double header

I'ma think fast, never come in last
Goin' bar to bar with you, check the contrast
I'ma take off, blast off, blowin' like a Molotov
Baby bar sound dummy hard, but they hella soft
I'ma take the sale, so I learn from that
Then I turn it around and I make a rack
I'ma cash that, 'course I went to math class
Addin' all these zeroes, yeah, only sit in first class
I'ma dip out, shoot in for the clout
Always gotta pull out, yeah, baby never sell out, huh
I'ma pipe down, like I'm Lil Toe
Do a 10
K show, yeah, I'm out in Guangzhou, huh
I'ma move slow, always for the dough, though
Eyes low, but I ain't tryna use my elbows
I'ma strike out, yeah, I'm goin' all out, hmm
Baby only spend a couple bucks when I cash out

I'm a bad boy and I'm quite slick
See me doin' numbers and I'm gettin' rich
I'm a baby boy need the cute shit, laced it
Don't tempt me with the boomstick
I'ma nut quick then I dip quick
Pick my gold teeth with a diamond 'crusted toothpick
I'm a rich one, finessin' with the coupon
Move it to the futon while she tryna taste it
I'ma do shit, Lentra made the beat hit
Baby on his money, shit, I'm not about them politics
I'm a go getter, and I love cheddar
Also love feta but the bread a little better
I'ma flex off, Balenciaga tank top
Watch me drip-drop with my fuckin' wrist watch
I'm a big cheese, you crumble like some feta
With two bitches, might just call a double header

I'ma do it like Five Alive, pool of money, let me die
Pipe a fit thottie, yeah, even if she forty-five
I'ma fly out, L-A-X, do a couple shows for a couple checks
Man, I really think I'm fuckin' next
I'ma splash, splash, yeah, just like Gravy
I'ma tie my shoes and pipe your lady
I'ma tour the world on my headline shit
I'ma rule the world, trust me bitch
I'ma cop shit, gun shit
Pull up with the Nerf, then I cock that
So you know I'm really gonna pop shit
I'ma big boy, from the north, top ten, by myself
West side, baby finally gettin' to his lands, ayy
I'ma go so hard, yeah, like every time
It's directly correlated to the dimes
I'ma keep my name 'til I'm dummy rich
Yeah, bbno$, I'll never switch

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