
Songtext I'm the man (def uncensored radio version) Anthrax


I'm the man (def uncensored radio version)

Ow!, Ow!




Now we're Anthrax and we take no shit

And we don't care for writing hits
The sound you hear is what we like
I'll steal your pop-tarts like I stole your...
*YO man, what's the matter with you?
I'll get it the next time, I mean it...

Charlie, beat the beats, the beats you beat
The only thing harder's the smell of my feet
So listen up 'cause you might get dissed
Go drain the lizard or take a...
Damn... watch the beat!
I'm on your case, I'm in your face
*****Kick you and your MOTHER back in place
Step up sucker, understand
*Don't you know THAT

I'm the man! I'm the man!
I'm so bad I should be in detention!
I'm the man!

Shut up!

We've got real def rhythms and fresh new jams
And ya think we got egos but we're just hams
Scott plays stickball and likes to skate
Frank is never on time he's always...

They drink the drinks, the drinks they drank
I put my money in the bank
They cut their crack, they offer joints
We don't do drugs, do you get our...
Point! Point! Watch the beat!


For a heavy metal band raps a different way
We like to different and not cliche
They say rap and metal can never mix
*Well all of them can suck OUR
Sexual organ located in the lower abdominal area!
*No man, it's DICKS! Ow! Ow!


Fart the farts, the farts he farted
I pick my nose 'cause I'm retarted
Like El Duce says smell my anal vapor
And wipe my butt with your...
Toilet paper! Yo, watch the beat!


So, as this rap is winding down
It's plain to see we wear the crown
You know Anthrax is number one
But we don't care, we just wanna have...
A festival!
Fun you stupid idiot!

Joey mailed the mail, the mail he mailed
We are the kings that all shout hell
We're like a diamond that is forever
And will remain the hardest ever

I'm so bad, it's a crime

Ow! Ow!


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Anthrax is an American band which stands alongside the greats of the thrash metal genre, Metallica, Slayer and Megadeth and this is reflected in the worldwide sales of over 10 million.

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