Dontae Peeps

Songtext I'm still here Dontae Peeps


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I'm still here

If I can make it out these streets just in time enough to save my life
If I can find me a queen that’s strong enough to be my bride
If I could make enough G’s to make this life alright
All I wanna do is watch while she grow up and turn out alright
But til then I’ll be

I’m still up in the club
Looking for the one I love
See them in the street like homie what’s up?
Like the jeans I said first ones
It’s how we do
Always got the heat on my side
Watching these streets ‘cause I’m just tryina stay alive
Always got my eye looking for the next time
Pushin my whips, stacking my chips
I could fool shorty around

I should get tired of the way that I’m livin my life right now
I should’ve changed my ways for the sake of my little child
When I was grown up they knew that I was gonna turn out proud
And I know they think he should’ve changed his life around right now
But I’m still here

I just gotta do what it do, oh yea
This is just the way it is (way it is)
Money, cars and clothes, that’s all a nigga know
‘Cause that’s how we live
It’s how we live
I say the nigga gotta make a change (gotta make a change)
Even though it might sound strange (sound strange)
And everybody knows our ways
Your bro does it big and I’m still

I’m still up in the club
Looking for the one I love
See them in the street like homie what’s up?
Like the jeans I said first ones
It’s how we do
Always got the heat on my side
Watching these streets ‘cause I’m just tryina stay alive
Always got my eye looking for the next time
Pushin my whips, stacking my chips
I could fool shorty around

Somehow somewhere gotta change my life
So I can find some girl that I can hang with
By my side, I need a chick that I can roll with
Or get to know
I need to ride or die to get for show
To be in I’mma keep on doing what I do
Just the streets been drew
Til I find a better way

Change my ways but hey I’m stuck in the street
Pimp style, pimp swag but chuckin that heat
It’s just protection in case a nigga fuck with me
But they don’t want it cause cash more than stuck with me
They say a leopard can’t change their spots
I can’t change what I got
That’s how it is, should change what I’m not
I’m still dipped in them white T’s
The mid force Nike’s
The cheer real acy, don’t care if you like me
Welcome to the riches, avoiding the potholes
Cash cheese, flip chips but get it? They not chose
Know me on some club shit, looking for that club chick
Caveman style, so as hell I’m tryina club chicks
In ahead with the game
They fall in love but now the truth is they just fell for a thug
Yea, that’s what I like now
Can’t change what I like now
I need miss right but I fucks with Mrs. RighNow

(Chorus x2)
I’m still up in the club
Looking for the one I love
See them in the street like homie what’s up?
Like the jeans I said first ones
It’s how we do
Always got the heat on my side
Watching these streets ‘cause I’m just tryina stay alive
Always got my eye looking for the next time
Pushin my whips, stacking my chips
I could fool shorty around

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