Brian May

Songtext I'm scared Brian May


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I'm scared

You take me to the party
You put me on the stand
You're pumpin' up my heart
To the beatin' of the band
You toss it in the air
And you don't care where it lands
You take it - you break it
You're hurtin' me

Because I wasn't prepared
I couldn't go where you dared
You got my whole soul bared
I never knew that you cared

I'm scared.....etc

You take me out to dinner
And you swallow me whole
You're nothin' but sinner
With a dar black soul
I figured I could handle you
But I'm just a toy
You're gettin' bolder and bolder
You're just a bad bad boy

I'm scared.....etc

What you starin' at
You're such a scaredy cat
When I know that I just can't fight it
So what you starin' at
You're such scaredy cat
'Cos I'm only scared that maybe I might like it....

Chaos Karaoke - do your own thing but try the following :-

I'm scared to move, I'm scared of standing still
I'm scared to change, I'm scared to stay the same
I'm so scared I want to die
I'm scared of dying
I'm scared of not being liked, not being loved
I'm scared to be alone
I'm scared of being with people
I'm scared of disapproval
I'm scared of life
I'm scared to love lose what I have built
I'm scared of feeling scared
I'm scared of being ugly, being boring, being dull
I'm scared of my thoughts
I'm scared of being found out
I'm scared Steven Berkoff
I'm scared to dance, I'm scared to speak, to sing
I'm scared my body's awkward, the wrong shape, wrong smell
I'm scared to say what I think
I'm scared to say no, or yes too often
I'm scared of disappointing
I'm scared of losing control
I'm scared of pain, I'm scared of hurting, being hurt
I'm scared this will go on 'til I die
I'm scared of losing my home, my love, my kids, my kids, my kids
I'm scared my heart will break
I'm scared of losing myself
Because there might be no-one there at all
I'm scared of unknown future
I'm scared to make a wrong turn
I'm scared of the dark
I'm scared of failing
I'm scared it may all be for nothing

You push me to the limit
You push me to the brink
You left me with the blues
When you found me in the pink
You know just what you're saying
But your metaphors stink
I gotta lick it, or stick it,
Or this is the and

I'm scared.............etc.

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