Buried Inside

Songtext Iii Buried Inside


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Der musikalische text III von BURIED INSIDE ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Spoils of failure (2009)

Spoils of failure



In the given process, sabotage is a necessary resolve - a determined line of defence.
In the given context, obstruction is a necessary control - a vested right to exclusion.
Sanctioned, stamped and filed on the hallowed grounds of fiscal security: the front line which fortunes all depend.
From the courtiers in the halls of Versailles,
To the grab-mongers who warmed the seats in Uruguay,
The message is clear: these promises will never eventuate.
Armed with trace-chain and pack-saddle on a roughshod crusade to capture,
To enclose, to clog arteries and fill silos,
Because the last frame broken is the first scrap claimed.
Scarcity is woven into law. Values frozen into code.
We are delivered, reduced to the sum of all variables, aggregated, correlated and collapsed as so much data.
Sorted as targets and prospects through the means and metaphors of war: by design, by disinvestement, by self-eviction - a quiet withdrawal.
Marked and managed with GIS precision.
Take the knight, leave the pawn.
Geodemographic solutions for predictive indexing.
Bold jargon, kind euphemism for the consigned spaces to live out our days.
Running our heads against walls of words, against apologists for hype, against regimes without borders, and the rest follows from it.

Manoeuvres of restriction, delay, and hindrance have a large share in the ordinary conduct of business.
[Thorstein Veblen, The Engineers and the Pricing System]

In the given process, sabotage is a necessary resolve - a determined line of defence.
In the given context, obstruction is a necessary control - a vested right to exclusion.
Sanctioned, stamped and filed on the hallowed grounds of fiscal security: the front line which fortunes all depend.

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Buried Inside, formed in 1997, is a band from Ottawa, Canada.

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