Slim Thug

Songtext Ignant 'gettin in' Slim Thug


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Der musikalische text IGNANT 'GETTIN IN' von SLIM THUG ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Hogg life: the beginning (2015)

Hogg life: the beginning


Ignant 'gettin in'

GMB (echoes)

I'm gettin in
Gettin in
In the kitchen hittin it
Just so I can buy a diamond chain
That's ignant
Just so I can pop a hundred bottles
That's ignant
Just so I can buy another Porche
That's ignant
I'm getting in
Gettin in
In the kitchen hittin it
Just so I can pop some more tags
That's ignant
Just so I can buy them new Jays
That's ignant
Just to fuck it out on a bitch
That's ignant

I got so many dimes
I'm rich off bitchesI sold so many Os
I can be a full business
I'm gettin in, ignant
All the more [?]
Diamonds so bright
You'd swear they all lights
Looking like I just got paid
Everyday I stay fresh
And you can call me sparkles
All the ladies say yes
Gone on Ciroc
I'm King Kong on the block
So everywhere I go
All the bops going flock
Got niggas all around
That's heading out of town
So fuck waiting around
I'm goin get it right now
While the clowns waiting around
Imma get it right now
So if you want it now
Come down to my town

I'm gettin in
Gettin in
In the kitchen hittin it
Just so I can buy a diamond chain
That's ignant
Just so I can pop a hundred bottles
That's ignant
Just so I can buy another Porche
That's ignant
I'm getting in
Gettin in
In the kitchen hittin it
Just so I can pop some more tags
That's ignant
Just so I can buy them new Jays
That's ignant
Just to fuck it out on a bitch
That's ignant

I'm standing in the club
Looking like I don't share
Cause all the bad bitches
Standing right here
And all the real niggas
Standing right here
If you don't fuck with her
Stay your ass over there
Imma fuck it no question
Make sure I use protection
Cause these ladies want my baby
They wanna ride around Mercedes
I got three, four, five, six
All tryna ride my dick
And they all together
So I don't even gotta pick
Man, ain't shit quick
But the money
You think it's for the fame
They do this shit for the money
Get money you can get what you want
And me and all my hogs
Going get what you don't

I'm gettin in
Gettin in
In the kitchen hittin it
Just so I can buy a diamond chain
That's ignant
Just so I can pop a hundred bottles
That's ignant
Just so I can buy another Porche
That's ignant
I'm getting in
Gettin in
In the kitchen hittin it
Just so I can pop some more tags
That's ignant
Just so I can buy them new Jays
That's ignant
Just to fuck it out on a bitch
That's ignant

Everything was saying in there man
It was the truth
It ain't just being bout the boss situation you know
He was showing it

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