Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth

Songtext If it ain't rough, it ain't right Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth


If it ain't rough, it ain't right

[cl smooth]
Above the level of a mezzanine, healthy as ovaltine
The dominant ? clean, I mean go, the lights green
The protege could play like chess to quest the best
Confess, never poor as bangladesh
I get busy like a boxer, operate like a doctor
Seal like a locker, pop like orville redenbacher
Buy the tape, lp, cd
All me, and petey, to cater to the needy
Like a prayer for madonna but a different world for jasmine
Cl is well a physical attraction
Let me make myself perfectly clear:
While Im there, I make a peer a positive pap smear
Really I do, once I light the barbeque
Thread the loose ends, see my friends are the crew
The fright night king of new york like frank white
If it aint rough it aint right man listen..

[cl smooth]
If it aint rough enough, to mingle in the stuff
To scar and scuff and make you cuckoo like a cocoa puff;
It aint right so I smash the satellite
Check the farenheight, before I take flight
Unique as mozambique, here to freak sheik
The skills that wont leak, and never antique
Warm like a oven youre lovin the style Im druggin
Alleyway muggin, heavyweight sluggin
No fibs I kick the ad libs and rock it in the cribs
Break your ribs like a toothpick cause you were never slick
? you lacked back when I first started
Cls the one who got the red sea parted
My conversation qualification is a doozy
The rude rudy wreckin write you off as a floozy
I shoot for the moon, but even if I miss
Im among the stars, to put a bullethole in mars..

[cl smooth]
In my frame of mind I design the best-seller
For rougher cats can rockafeller youre penn and teller
Steady with the convo, rought like brillo
Let your head hit the bed and knock the feathers out your pillow
The master intelligent, with the black testament
Found it relevant, and mailed it to the president
But overall I get papes for my labor
With the physical manifestation of a saviour
You wanna test this, but I slay anyway
Cause your rhymes are old, with more wrinkles than a charpei
Mecca don upon the streets of babylon
Pass the baton to respond like farrakhan
Hard like shaft with the staff for the backdraft
A blazin aftermath, so hon make a path
If you dont trust him, bust him
But if you dont have a weapon, then kid keep steppin
The main idea in here for the hemisphere
Cls here to get wreck for the year
A large mans appetite, blowin like dynamite
If it aint rough it aint right, come on!

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Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth is a group. Their discography includes Mecca and the Soul Brother, The Main Ingredient, Best of Pete Rock & Cl Smooth: Good Life, Rare Tracks, Remixes and All Souled Out.

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