Crystal Kay

Songtext I like it Crystal Kay


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I like it

Yo shorty
the way we flow is OSHARE
You better watch yourself!
Yo baller, we about to hit yo atama

And that's how we gon' party

* repeat

Uh huh, no doubt

** I really really like it, let me show you
Baby this is how we do
Dakara motto (osoku made) motto
Asobitai n ja nai
I really really like it, let me tell you
Nani iwaretemo yaritai koto mada aru kara
you ain't going home tonight?

*** I like it (you like it)
He likes it (she likes it)
We like it (they like it)?
Asa made kaesanai

**** I love it (you love it)
He loves it (she loves it)
We love it (they love it)

Sono mama just work that thang

3, 2, 1
Omoi koshiagena yo
it's been a while omachidoosama
we back to holla, mada ikuze matasetana
go pop-pa-pop-pop kanjiteru nara
say what-wa-what-what! kyou no medama wa
extraordinary man, kamin toru HIMA mo nee
WAKIGA yori funky desu, namihazureteru, SEN?
Unaginobori, NORINORI I'm rollin'
yo zoukin yori mo down and dirty na style
de soshi suru
STOP! The hatin' and the negativity
and slow down...
Sonna yatsu wa oyobi ja nee...dakara
STOP! wakaranakutemo follow me
Here we go NOW! (Oh my!) Beats be fukuyoka

Kyou mo mata I'm here alone
Mada dare kara mo denwa nai shi
demo tonight dekaketai
Soshite ya na koto leave it behind
Kanojo's in the front te wo agete
Mawari ki ni shinaide
IKEMEN's in the back koe agete asa made sawaide
Kon'ya party time, baby can't you see
Tanoshimi ni kita n da shi
Ashita no koto wa forget shitemo ii yo

** repeat

3, 2, 1

Yo mo ake it's time to go
demo mada I'm in the mood so odorou
ato one more kyoku o play
shite yo oidasareru made

rock a fat gold jarajara
stars OSHARE dorobou the fashionista
Hitotsubu 300(sanbyaku) meter, orera leaders
Kore hoshou, guaranteed to rock the show
Hey yo I stash mo' cash flow watashi no katsudou
Asteroid people no kokoro KOCHOKOCHO

Oh my...Mr.D
J won't you rewind (yo KURI!)

Gomen asobase, I bust it, sou asa made
If you feel what I'm sayin' then kono yubi tomare
OW! Supreme IKETE sugi committee
Soko no fine kimi, sukoshi tere kimi
Subete gimme gimme! sude ni seventeen
yo R-E-S-P-E-C-T
Donna kanji? tell me what's the issue?
Koko no mizu amai shikata ga nai we so fly!
The boys look soooo good (NEXT!)
Tsune ni nigeteru from the press (YES!)
It's KURI from the HAMA.
m-flo bring the drama
who shot ya? shiranee yatsu,
go ask your MaMa

* repeat
* repeat
Uh huh, no doubt

Strobelight terashiteru you and me
Kyou kara more than tomodachi
Jikan mo wasureru kurai
keep me moving to your beat
Make you say \"ooh wee!\"
when I hit the scene
Shine shi ni kita n da shi
Tsumaranai koto wa forget shitemo ii yo

I really really like it, let me show you
Baby this is how we do
Nani mo kamo (oitoite) Come on
hashagitai n ja nai
I really really like it, let me show you
Kore kara ga ii toko
Hajimete demo it don't matter so
Sono mama act like you know

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Crystal Kay Williams (Yokohama, 26 febbraio 1986) è una cantante giapponese, pioniera fra gli artisti appartenenti alle seconde generazioni in Giappone. Ha cantato le sigle di chiusura di film e serie televisive di animazione quali Fullmetal Alchemist e Nodame Cantabile ed ha doppiato un personaggio secondario in Pokémon: Giratina e il Guerriero dei Cieli, oltre ad aver cantato la sigla di chiusura della versione originale del film.

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