Styles P

Songtext I know Styles P


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I know

Heroin addicts, arms got needles in it
Jails is packed, niggas is getting diesel in it
Streets is wild, niggas is all evil in it
I M16 to kill the people in it
Cocaine currency is calculated
A lot of wolves, but only the real alphas make it
If it's war then the blood gonn flow
I might tell you some shit, but not all I know

[Hook x 2 ]
I know the coke game, I know the dope game
I know the shooter, the jack boy, the whole game
I know the fast cars, I know the fast hoes
I know the niggas that hustle to get fast dough

I know

Summer time, fly niggas will pull the whips out
Stepping out the panthouse, the kush from the zips out
It's usually black label if I'm dipped out
Hit the strip, make sure it get shit made out
You’re drinking pin on the wall, about to open up the car to play me number 4
Yeah I've seen it before, niggas will kill you with the Nina Ferrol…
Mama send a team to turn, we're tryina smile cause we poor
Me, I'm with the beamer with boys that make noise
The noise is real but we down to a fake joy
Ask me while I'm smoking the ten of the saint croy
Tryina move around the world while deal a girl and a boy
Pink diamonds, like pink panther
Never ask the question, after missing link answers
Cuban link big knots and think dancers
This the fast life, sick like cancer

[Hook x 2 ]
I know the coke game, I know the dope game
I know the shooter, the jack boy, the whole game
I know the fast cars, I know the fast hoes
I know the niggas that hustle to get fast dough

I know

Riding out again I said fuck em all
Shoot a nigga first, rock the sucker fall
Yeah I move squares but I love to ball
Morning 6 thous in this game nigga, fuck a call
Lot of cops on the block, tryina duck them all
Lot of gunshots nigga better duck em all
Lot of models in this party here for sucking off
Lot of rich niggas really tryina fuck them all
Broke niggas massed up on the wall
They don't really live this life, they don't really love the mall
You ask me, I say fuck em both
45 with the tip that's rubber close
Keep my enemies and my brothers close
You ain't high the first time, fuck in take another dose
And there will never be another ghost
I'm my brother's keeper, fuck around and get your brother smoked

[Hook x 2 ]
I know the coke game, I know the dope game
I know the shooter, the jack boy, the whole game
I know the fast cars, I know the fast hoes
I know the niggas that hustle to get fast dough

I know

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