Selena Gomez & The Scene

Songtext I don't miss you at all Selena Gomez & The Scene


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I don't miss you at all

It doesn't hurt
But when I think of you
And all the things we'll
Never get to do
I don't dream at night about the way we were
I tore out the pictures, cross out all the words

Don't be fooled by all my tears,
Cause everything is fine
And you can pick up all the pieces
That you left behind

Cause I never think about you
I'm better off without you
I don't miss you at all
I don't miss you at all
You don't spin around in my head
It's like you never existed
And I hope you don't call
I don't miss you at all
And I'm not trying to fight it
No, I'm not trying to fight it
So you can cross my name right
off the wall
I don't miss you at all

I go out seven nights a week
It feels so good to finally be free
And I party like I never did before
Oh, what in the world was I waiting for?
Everything is perfect now
Without you in my life
You could pick up all the pieces
that you left behind

Cause I never think about you
I'm better off without you
I don't miss you at all
I don't miss you at all
You don't spin around in my head
It's like you never existed
And I hope you don't call
I don't miss you at all
And I'm not trying to fight it
No, I'm not trying to fight it
So you can cross my name right
off the wall
I don't miss you at all
I don't miss you at all

I'll just tell myself
You'll forgive the past
No time for regrets
No more looking back
I'll forgive you more
Every single day
Every step I take
Is getting better

Cause I never think about you
I'm better off without you
I don't miss you at all
I don't miss you at all
You don't spin around in my head
It's like you never existed
And I hope you don't call
I don't miss you at all
And I'm not trying to fight it
No, I'm not trying to fight it
So you can cross my name right
off the wall
I don't miss you at all
I don't miss you
I don't miss you

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