Killing Joke

Songtext I am the virus Killing Joke


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I am the virus

Death misery and tears
Calculated waves of fear
Drawn up by think tanks
There's a darkness in the west
Oil swilling guzzling corporate
Central banking mind fucking omnipotence

I am the fury the spirit of outrage
I am the fire I am the virus I am the virus
I am the furnace where resentment glows
I am the bias I am the virus I am the virus

False flags and black ops
Tavistock manufactured shocks
Something´s gone horribly wrong
Hot flushes for the Neo Con
A population in deep denial
Contagion released from a phial

I am the fury the spirit of outrage
I am the fire I am the virus I am the virus
I am the furnace where resentment glows
I am the bias I am the virus I am the virus
I am the Hydra headed beast
I am the worm you can never delete
I am the dangers that never sleeps
I am the virus I am the virus
I am the fury the spirit of outrage
I am the fire I am the virus I am the virus

No one believes in nine eleven
Steel frame buildings don´t fall in seconds
Murderers in black robes decapitate innocents
The public banks stare
Did you sleep okay last night mister Blair

I am the fury the spirit of outrage
I am the fire I am the virus I am the virus
I am the furnace where resentment glows
I am the bias I am the virus I am the virus
I am the Hydra headed beast
I am the worm you can never delete
I am the dangers that never sleeps
I am the virus I am the virus
I am the fury the spirit of outrage
I am the fire I am the virus I am the virus

I am the fury the spirit of outrage
I am the fire I am the virus I am the virus
I am the furnace where resentment glows
I am the bias I am the virus I am the virus

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Killing Joke are an English post-punk band formed in October 1978 in Notting Hill, London, England. (Several sources state that they formed in early 1979.) Founding members Jaz Coleman (vocals, keyboards) and Geordie Walker (guitars) have been the only constant members.

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