Tha Eastsidaz

Songtext How you livin' Tha Eastsidaz


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How you livin'

(feat. Snoop Dogg, Xzibit)

[Snoop Talking]
Wassup dog?
Wassup my nigga, how you doing dog?
Man, I'm chilling my nigga
How you livin'?
Shit, I'm livin' it up baby
Really, ohh really, shit
It's all great then
I'm glad to see ya, basically
Yeah, yeah
But on the real though dog
How you living though?
Who me? Shit

I got two boys and a wife
I live a luxurious life
And I'm respected in this game
Cause I do's the same
Man, look here
Let me spit you something for a second
Cause I see y'all ain't been peeping out my record
I see ladies, I see players, and I see haters
And all you fools who perpetrate us, I'll get back with ya later
I got a plate of shrimps, laughing with some pimps
Chopping game, while my diamond's swinging
Banking off my gold chain

[Butch Cassidy]
My time has come
The way it's done
No more being strung
Around just like a bun
My dues are paid
Darkness was paved
Let's go find some shade
Then we've got it made

Money ain't everything dog, but I tell ya
If I didn't have it, i'd be labelled as a felon
So, as long as I breathe, I achieve
Keep god first in my life, I know that's right
And I prevail, whether I do or don't sell
It ain't about that, it's about giving back
We trying to get our live on, while you jib on
Let a homie get his sang on, instead of his bang on

[Butch Cassidy]
My life's my friends
And it's gonna be here till the end
It brought me a past
Out the hood, so I know it's gonna last
Down by the sea
Is where all the ladies see me
They tried to flash
Be down, but I had to make a dash

He went from a bucket to a benz, from some change to some ends
From his homies in the pen, to his balling friends
You know, flossy, flossin, bossy, bossin, boss
But I paid the cost

[Butch Cassidy]
I wanna go
As far as I can go
Just not loco though
Japan and even Tokyo

[Xzibit talking]
Yeah broadcasting live to your radiostation
This is Snoop Dogg
You know what I'm saying
Yeah giving a shout out
Mr X-to-the-Z-Xzibit
To all the homeboys on Dogghouse Records
Like this


[Snoop Talking]
187.4fm on your dial

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Tha Eastsidaz originally spelled as the Eastsiders was a hip hop group of somewhat reforming the LBC Crew with Snoop Dogg, Lil' C-Style and Techniec. Their first appearance was in the Tommy Boy Records' Ride:Music from the Dimension Motion Picture with Crooked Eye Q on a Battlecat-produced song called "Feels So Good" in 1998. Possibly due to Snoop's label and thus name change, the same happened with this idea, and since the other two members still remained signed to Death Row the trio disbanded.

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