The Dandy Warhols

Songtext Horse pills The Dandy Warhols


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Der musikalische text HORSE PILLS von THE DANDY WARHOLS ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Thirteen tales from urban bohemia (2000)

Thirteen tales from urban bohemia


Horse pills

So your ex got a mansion
where you kick it on the hill
your boy comes to see you
he's your Hollywood thrill
He's a Spanish fly
that bucks like a stallion
In the suits that you got him
he looks more Italian
You worry bout your tan when the weather's gettin' clammy
summer in the city and winters in Miami
You get so high on the high life pills
cruisin' and boozin' and rockin' on the horse size pills
You could even take more thrills
you could even take more spills
pills, thrills, chills and ills man, kills
and rockin' on the horse size
Butt's gettin' bigger
do you think he'll notice maybe?
that's ok, don't worry bout it baby!
Cause everybody knows he pumps you for your money
that's alright, don't worry bout it honey!
In your itsy bitsy teenie weenie riding up your butt bikini
keepin' on the heels cause you're saggin'
just a teenie bit more than the girls
he pretends he doesn't thrill, rubbin' on the lotion
and rockin' on the horse size pills
You could even take more thrills
you could even take more spills
pills, thrills, chills, and ills man, kills
And rockin' on the horse size
Sometimes you feel like Moses
that's when you're toasted
Yeah, kick it. Yo bitch
That's right, yeah
Rockin' on the horse size...

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Originally from Portland, Oregon and formed in 1993, The Dandy Warhols have seen the majority of their success in the UK. The band gained much media attention when the video for their single "Bohemian Like You" showed full-frontal male nudity. This controversy helped the track to reach No.5 in the UK charts, and the album Thirteen Tales from Urban Bohemia reach the top forty in the album charts.

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