Kodak Black

Songtext Hop out shoot Kodak Black


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Hop out shoot

Never pick and choose
(Carl Paul)
Got my fire too
And I ain't in the stu'
That smoke go down whoever throat, ya heard?
(Load it up Carl)

Ride the four-wheelers and go bowlin', when I ain't in the stu'
That smoke go down whoever throat, I never pick and choose
I'm 5'7", I walked in, she standin' 5'2"
She asked me what I like to do, I told her, "Hop out, shoot"
Ayy, hop out shoot, hop out, then shoot

Funny how you liked on me and now I'm feelin' you
We hop out, then shoot, we hop out, then shoot
We poppin' out, then swingin' bitches out they sandals
Lot of you niggas finna die
I ain't tellin' no lie when I say we poppin' out, head up on sight
I see you, I'ma get to rockin' out
Tryna call, are you bitches sleep or somethin'?
I had chilled a fuckin' year out 'fore I knocked 'em all, lil' daddy ain't even seen it comin'
I'm drippin' like last Sunday
I just took off with a chicken like last Monday
I be tryna change, but sometimes look like I'm runnin' from it
I like her now, but once I get her, I'm on another woman
I went oranges on the Dunks, I got the butter for it
If a nigga call out smoke, I'm comin', runnin' to it
I ain't gon' lie, you make me feel good on a murder song
I told lil' shawty, "Ho, you probably never goin' home"
I told Boosie, "I caught a few bodies lookin' up to you"
I told Plies, "Every time you rapped that shit, I went to go do it"
We probably beef, but we SG, that mean we tight, alright?
I walked from GA, stole the car comin' from Powell Heights
Sometimes we fight, but when it's war, we come together though
We come together
We hop and we shoot, we go there with whoever, zoe
We go wherever, it's whatever
Say it

Ride the four-wheelers and go bowlin', when I ain't in the stu'
That smoke go down whoever throat, I never pick and choose
I'm 5'7", I walked in, she standin' 5'2"
She asked me what I like to do, I told her, "Hop out, shoot"
Ayy, hop out shoot, hop out, then shoot

Ayy, how 'bout you? Play what one of your friends do
Hop out, shoot, hop out, shoot, he love runnin' gun
When I finally CPD, you know it's dun-dun-dun
As soon as lil' shorty took me back, went ran some game to her
She say she give me chance, don't do her like a lame do her
These niggas always keep callin' when they needin' somethin'
My older bitch keep cookin' for me, cleanin' for me
Walk 'e down, hundred rounds for lil' whoadie switch
Bullets shootin' quick, we back down any niggas who comin' 'round this bitch
Everybody say they demon time, but, I move with grace
I'm a righteous reaper, a good leader, but, I'll eat yo' face
I was on twenty Perc before the end of the day (Straight up, nigga)
Turned his back on me, I left him on his face
Don't make me get in your house, wake up in your place
This the longest I been hidin', and I ain't catch a case
I know I'll never feel and go back to pain and suffer
Or sharin' a cell with a nigga and have to smell each other
I'll wipe a whole generation out 'bout my brother
A nigga wanna bring the crazy out me, try, my brother

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