
Songtext Hold on Skepta


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Der musikalische text HOLD ON von SKEPTA ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Lights, camera, action (2011)

Lights, camera, action


Hold on

When ever you feel like letting go,
And you've got your back against the wall,
Hold on, hold on, cause your undefeatable.

First place never settle for less,
What's the point in trying if you ain't trying your best.
They wanna see me six feet under but I'm watching my steps,
Now everybody watching me like jay-z watching the nets.

Don't see myself on a skateboard but I stay on my grind,
Aiming for the top and I won't stop till I cross that finish line.
I see it like the deaf I listen like the blind,
So if I can't hear them scheming I still see the signs.

I never count the days I make the days count,
They wanna take my crown so I swim when they wanna see me drown,
Sile when they wanna see me frown, stand up when they wanna see me down.
New and improved attitude you don't wanna see me now.

They said I can't do it but I did it,
Now they love me all over the world cause they sat my style is so prolific.
If I said it I live it, the black scott diss it.
Fresh haircut and a brand new suit lift up the trophy and kiss it.

Whenever you feel like letting go, and you've got your back against the wall,
Hold on hold on.
Cause your gonna take a few low blows, and I know you feel those broken bones.
Just hold on, just hold on cause your undefeatable.

Tell the papparazi I'm going in tonight,
And if anybody wanna stop me there gonna need some kryptonite.
I don't mean to sound impolite, but I been sitting here waiting my turn,
So if you still don't know what a boy better know better watch and learn.

I let my left foot rest on the side only my right foots touching the pedal,
Losing is not an option so I know I've got to come with something special.
I'm a winner JME on my neck that's my gold medal,
I was underground now it's time to take this shit to another level.

I never count the days I make the days count,
They wanna take my crown so I swim when they wanna see me drown,
Sile when they wanna see me frown, stand up when they wanna see me down.
New and improved attitude you don't wanna see me now.

I got nothing to prove I sit back looking at the game from a birdseye view then I make my move.
Never take my foot off the gas I'm a go hard till I blow that fuse,
Cause the moment you feel like giving up that's the moment you lose.

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Skepta is a performer. Their discography includes Rinse: 04, Greatest Hits, Microphone Champion, Stupid EP and Duppy.

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