
Songtext Hit em Mercedes


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Hit em

Chorus: (Mercedes)
No Limit we got that shit you need,shit you can bump in your trunk
Got all your bitches fiendin,and makin niggas say ughh
Get up, get on the floor,we come to give you some more
Cause it's my time to shine, me and my niggas came just to hit em
Verse 1 : (Mercedes)
We just shinin' lately, Mercedes, and the No Limit calvary
Causin economic tragedies, just to cash your fuckin' salary
These niggas askin me,got these bitches mad at me, tryin to tackle me
Therefore I'm leaving causalities, leaving the Master P factory
Now who else wanna battle me?, we lock this bitch naturally
Rock, get fashionably, that's the reality
That I play the Mercedes Benz, cromed out from the front to rear end
Sittin on 20 rims, watchin' televisions with DVD systems
Skip the curb when I spin the Benz, it's all gravy
Mercedes, a No Limit lady, Ms. Fuckin Ain't Seeing Shit if you ain't payin'
straight bangin if the deals lookin flaky
I'll love this 380 bitch, so don't try to play me
Guess what? I hit ya
Chours: (Mercedes)
No Limit we got that shit you need,shit you can bump in your trunk
Got all your bitches fiendin,and makin niggas say ughh
Get up, get on the floor,we come to give you some more
Cause it's my time to shine, me and my niggas came just to hit em
Verse 2: (A-Lexxus)
Is it our lips and eyes?
We got you fiendin for what's creamin in between our thighs
Is it our niggas or the tanks we roll, grips we hold
We pullin off a lot in double shows, we get you coming steady for more
Makin' you niggas say yo fuck these hoes I need a Benzo
A Lexo, we sex-o, we drinkin exco, the besto
Ain't no comparin us, we don't to bus
Y'all bitches wanna ride with us, get wild wit us
Makin' niggas wanna touch, got it locked up
>From the east to the west coast
I'm gold, I hit you
Chours: (Mercedes)
No Limit we got that shit you need, shit you can bump in your trunk
Got all your bitches fiendin, and makin niggas say ughh
Get up, get on the floor, we come to give you some more
Cause it's my time to shine, me and my niggas came just to hit em
No Limit we got that shit you need, shit you can bump in your trunk
Got all your bitches fiendin, and makin niggas say ughh
Get up, get on the floor, we come to give you some more
Cause it's my time to shine, me and my niggas came just to hit em
Verse 3 : (Mia X)
Disputed, lyrical heavyweight
Mama 4 stars,intimadate em every 16 bars
Mia X major general in this No Limit Army
Bossbitch on your block, I push the whips you ain't got
Rock the shit on my fingers that sank the Titanic
I'm leaving em frantic, cause if I spit it, I did it, that's why y'all panic
Hit it, never that niggas can't promise me shit
Pick up lines is for pigeons, first fact I'm rich
I drop hits from the thick click that's unstopable
Buy me a drink, nah I'll send you a bottle
Flip you and drop you, watch you
Tryin' to do it like me but that's impossible
Make you stand like the streets, gonna get it hostle, colossal bitch
Mama drama givin birth to my daughters
And motherfuckers know it get's no harder
When we hit em
Chorus : (Mercedes)
No Limit we got that shit you need, shit you can bump in your trunk
Got all your bitches fiendin, and makin niggas say ughh
Get up, get on the floor, we come to give you some more
Cause it's my time to shine, me and my niggas came just to hit em
No Limit we got that shit you need, shit you can bump in your trunk
Got all your bitches fiendin, and makin niggas say ughh
Get up, get on the floor, we come to give you some more
Cause it's my time to shine, me and my niggas came just to hit em
No Limit we got that shit you need, shit you can bump in your trunk
Got all your bitches fiendin, and makin niggas say ughh
Get up, get on the floor, we come to give you some more
Cause it's my time to shine, me and my niggas came just to hit em

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