
Songtext Hide & freak Somo


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Hide & freak

Less talk, more touch
Less stress, more love
Less pain it's too much
Let's stay in we're too young
Less talk, more touch
Less stress, more love
Less pain it's too much
Let's stay in we're too young

Oh, oh, oh yeah
Oh, oh, oh yeah
Oh no, no, no
Take off those heels, lay on my bed
Whisper dirty secrets while I'm pulling on your head
Wasn't in our veins, but we don't even care
Candles dripping on your body, baby this ain't truth or dare
Everybody wonders where we've run off to
My body on your body baby staking like some clue
Nadi let's get naughty, girl it's only one or two
The fever's fucking running, feel the heat between us two

And I don't wanna show off
Come on baby take your clothes off
We can keep on pumping and grinding
And loving so wildly
You know I wanna show off
Tonight I wanna show off
Baby let me show off
I'm gonna take your legs up and wrap them
And squeeze and spank it
You know I wanna show off

She's stripping to the car
Says to me can I explore?
Your body feeling exotic
And I just need a little cool
We start off just by touching
Then we go on to rubbing
She says come on top on me ride
I say ah ah, I'ma give you that loving
I thought you could take it fast
Yeah you like it when I slap your
Take it all I'm a gold digger nigga so sweet
On nights I'ma make it last
She's close I'm bout to ride
She can't open up her eyes
I'm driving deep and her body so weak
And I can't let go

And we can drive home
Or we can just fuck
We can get romantic, dirty dancing
Feel my hands until the sun comes up
We can make love, we can just fuck
We can make love, we can just fuck
We can make love, we can just fuck
We can make love, we can just fuck

Hugh now baby don't say a word
'Cause I'ma give you everything you want in the world
You can buy everything, but you can't, you can't buy love
You can buy everything, but you can't, you can't buy love
You can buy everything, but you can't, you can't buy love
This must be a dream, this must be a dream
You can buy everything, but you can't, you can't buy love

You're the only one, you're the only one
You're the only one, you're the only one that I want
This must be a dream, this must be a dream
Oho, what did I do last
Oh ah, sitting in this bed like a cold champ
Lights out, bright warm, stop, tonight
'Cause it aligns all the way to the golden child

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