Groovie Ghoulies

Songtext Hell time Groovie Ghoulies


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Hell time

It's hell time man
It's hell time man
It's hell time man
It's hell time man

It's hell time man
It's hell time man
It's hell time man
It's hell time man

Down these streets the fools rule
There's no freedom or self respect,
A knife's point or a trip to the joint
Is about all you can expect.

They kill people here who stand up for their rights,
The system's just too damned corrupt
It's always the same, the name of the game
Is who do you know higher up.

It's hell time man
It's hell time man
It's hell time man
It's hell time man

The blacks and the whites,
The idiotic, the exotic,
Wealth is a filthy rag
So erotic so unpatriotic
So wrapped up in the American flag.

Witchcraft scum exploiting the dumb,
Turning children into punks and slaves
Whose heroes and healers are rich drug dealers
Who should be put in their graves.

It's hell time man
It's hell time man
It's hell time man
It's hell time man

Listen to me Mr. Pussyman
This might be your last night in a bed so soft
We're not pimps on the make, politicians on the take,
You can't pay us off.

We're gonna blow up your home of Voodoo
And watch it burn without any regret
We got the power we're the new government,
You just don't know it yet.

It's hell time man
It's hell time man
It's hell time man
It's hell time man

For all of my brothers from Vietnam
And my uncles from World War II,
I'd like to say that it's countdown time now
And we're gonna do what the law should do.

And for you pretty baby,
I know you've seen it all.
I know your story is too painful to share.
One day though you'll be talking in your sleep
And when you do, I wanna be there.

It's hell time man
It's hell time man
It's hell time man
It's hell time man

It's hell time man
It's hell time man
It's hell time man
It's hell time man

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The Groovie Ghoulies were an American pop punk band formed in Sacramento, California whose music took inspiration from horror movies. They released numerous albums, EPs, and singles, and toured internationally. The band's name was taken from the 1970s animated television series Groovie Goolies, a spinoff of Sabrina, the Teenage Witch (itself a spinoff of The Archie Show).

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